IT peripherals - a computer device, such as a CD-ROM drive or printer that is attached to the main computer 电脑配件
last quarter – a quarter is equal to three months. The financial year is usually broken up into the four quarters of the year, for example January to the end of March, April to the end of June and so on. 上季
performance review - also known as an employee appraisal, is a method by which the job performance of an employee is evaluated 工作考核
the last straw - the final irritation that stretches your patience beyond the limit. This comes from an Arab proverb about ‘the straw that broke the camel’s back’. 救命稻草
let someone go – this is an informal expression to mean fire or sack somebody from their job. 解雇
HR – Human Resources - the personnel department of an organization, dealing with the recruitment, administration, management and training of employees; abbreviated as HR 人力资源部
to pull one’s weight - to do the work that one is obligated to. If you don’t pull your weight you are not doing your share of the workload. 做自己的本分工作
a degree - an award conferred by a college, university, or other postsecondary educational institution as official recognition for the successful completion of a program of studies. 文凭
a masters - An advanced degree, past your first degree, but before PhD MBA - a master's degree in business 硕士学位
a track record - someone's past performances viewed as a whole 记录
a team player –someone who works well as part of a team 团队工作者
interpersonal skills – the ability to relate well to other people 人际交流技巧
vision – a term used to describe an image of the future. In business terms it is a clear, detailed picture of what can be achieved. 梦想
trade press – magazines and newspapers that are written for a particular sector of an industry 公司专栏