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趣味英语听力短剧第46期:一个奖项Listed for a prize

来源:英国大使馆 编辑:vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Episode 46: We've been listed for a prize

Magda: Hi everyone!

Sarah, Olivia: Hi! Hello there!

Magda: Could I have a coffee please, Tony?

Tony: As usual...

Magda: Yeah – by the way, do you have any champagne?

Tony: Champagne? Not in this café Magda...wrong place, sorry!

Olivia: Did I hear you asking for champagne, Magda?

Magda: Yes you did!

Sarah. What are you celebrating?

Magda: Well, nothing yet...

Olivia: Go on...!

Magda: The company I work for....

Sarah: Your architect’s company?

Magda: Yeah – we’ve been listed for a prize!

Sarah: Hey – that’s great!

Olivia: “Listed”? So you haven’t won the prize yet...?

Magda: No – but we’re in with a good chance!

Sarah: When will you find out if you’ve won?

Magda: Really soon – I’m expecting a phone call any minute!

Sarah: Wow! How exciting!

Olivia: Fingers crossed!

Sarah: So, Olivia – tell me. How are things going with Fadi? Have you been out with him again?

Olivia: Oh...well... you know...

Magda: Go on! Tell us everything!

Olivia: There’s nothing to tell! Really! Yeah, we’ve been out a couple of times, we went to a movie last night, but, we’re just good friends...

Sarah: “Just good friends”???

Olivia: Yeah – really! I like him, he’s great, but nothing more than that...

Magda: I’m not sure I believe you!

Olivia: It’s true! Anyway, let’s change the subject – how are things going with you and Carlos, Sarah?

Sarah: Oh, ok...

Olivia: Come on! Who’s being shy now!?

Sarah: It’s great, actually. I mean, we’re really different as people, but we get on so well together...

Magda: Sounds good....

Sarah: Yeah, it is, but I mean it’s difficult. He doesn’t really like his job here - he’s thinking about going back to Brazil soon. I don’t know if I want to go there!

Olivia: Decisions, decisions...

Sarah: Is that you, Magda?

Magda: Yes it is....now I’ll find out if we’ve won....

Sarah/Olivia: (squeal of excitement)

Magda: ...hello? Yes. Yes. Oh. So? Erm, I see. And? Yes? YES!!!!!!!

Sarah/Olivia: Hooray!!!!!

Sarah: You did it!

Magda: Yes! We won!

Olivia: Fantastic! Well done!

Sarah: So was this a building you designed?

Magda: Erm, no, not exactly....

Olivia: But you designed a lot of it?

Magda: Erm, no, not exactly....

Sarah: The doorway?

Magda: No.

Olivia: The windows?

Magda: No.

Sarah: What did you design then?

Magda: Erm, actually, just the handles. On the doors.

Sarah: Oh.

Olivia: The doorhandles?

Magda: Yes.

Olivia: I see.

Sarah: Well, that’s good! Doorhandles are important! You should be proud!

Magda: Yes. I guess so. It’s a start.....!

Tony: Sorry girls – no champagne, but I’ll put extra sugar in your coffee. Free!

Olivia (sarcastically): Thanks Tony!

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