1 You have got to come clean with me.
In this sentence "have got to " is often used by American. It means "must". Come is a linking verb. With me is a preposition phrase use as adverbial.
2 You are seeing other women.
In this sentence I want to emphasize "see". It means "spend time with somebody". 译为:与(某人在一起),交往。有时候夫妻间知道对方没有与别人有染,但是也会开玩笑地问:Are you seeing anyone? 你跟别人好上了吗?这种幽默的话语反而更增加夫妻间的感情。They have been seeing a lot of each other. 他们最近老泡在一起。"See a lot of each other" means "spend a lot of time together".
3 I have been on a few dates recently.
In this sentence the predicative is "have been "and "on a few days" is complement. Recently is adverbial. Here I want to emphasize "on a date" refers to a state. If we want to refer an action, we can put "go" before "on". go out on a date也就是我们中文说的“赴约”,这个强调的是动作,on a date 强调的是状态或是一件事情。