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"His guilt and his descent appear by your account to be the same, " said Elizabeth angrily; "for I have heard you accuse him of nothing worse than of being the son of Mr. Darcy's steward, and of THAT, I can assure you, he informed me himself. "

"I beg your pardon, " replied Miss Bingley, turning away with a sneer. "Excuse my interference--it was kindly meant. "

"Insolent girl!" said Elizabeth to herself. "You are much mistaken if you expect to influence me by such a paltry attack as this. I see nothing in it but your own wilful ignorance and the malice of Mr. Darcy. " She then sought her eldest sister, who has undertaken to make inquiries on the same subject of Bingley. Jane met her with a smile of such sweet complacency, a glow of such happy expression, as sufficiently marked how well she was satisfied with the occurrences of the evening. Elizabeth instantly read her feelings, and at that moment solicitude for Wickham, resentment against his enemies, and everything else, gave way before the hope of Jane's being in the fairest way for happiness.

"I want to know, " said she, with a countenance no less smiling than her sister's, "what you have learnt about Mr. Wickham. But perhaps you have been too pleasantly engaged to think of any third person; in which case you may be sure of my pardon. "

"No, " replied Jane, "I have not forgotten him; but I have nothing satisfactory to tell you. Mr. Bingley does not know the whole of his history, and is quite ignorant of the circumstances which have principally offended Mr. Darcy; but he will vouch for the good conduct, the probity, and honour of his friend, and is perfectly convinced that Mr. Wickham has deserved much less attention from Mr. Darcy than he has received; and I am sorry to say by his account as well as his sister's, Mr. Wickham is by no means a respectable young man. I am afraid he has been very imprudent, and has deserved to lose Mr. Darcy's regard. "

"Mr. Bingley does not know Mr. Wickham himself?"

"No; he never saw him till the other morning at Meryton. "

"This account then is what he has received from Mr. Darcy. I am satisfied. But what does he say of the living?"

"He does not exactly recollect the circumstances, though he has heard them from Mr. Darcy more than once, but he believes that it was left to him CONDITIONALLY only. "

"I have not a doubt of Mr. Bingley's sincerity, " said Elizabeth warmly; "but you must excuse my not being convinced by assurances only. Mr. Bingley's defense of his friend was a very able one, I dare say; but since he is unacquainted with several parts of the story, and has learnt the rest from that friend himself, I shall venture to still think of both gentlemen as I did before. "

重点单词   查看全部解释    
pardon ['pɑ:dn]


n. 原谅,赦免
vt. 宽恕,原谅

defense [di'fens]


n. 防卫,防卫物,辩护
vt. 防守

sneer [sniə]


n. 冷笑,嘲笑
v. 嘲笑,冷笑

complacency [kəm'pleisnsi]


n. 自满,沾沾自喜

imprudent [im'pru:dənt]


adj. 轻率的,不谨慎的

probity ['prəubiti]


n. 诚实,廉洁,正直

ignorant ['ignərənt]


adj. 不知道的,无知的,愚昧的

ignorance ['ignərəns]


n. 无知

resentment [ri'zentmənt]


n. 怨恨,愤恨

guilt [gilt]


n. 罪行,内疚





