Two coffins were found in a small village in Guangxi. The coffins were about 50 centimeters apart. They're made mostly of lime. Sand is a secondary ingredient. Mortar-cased tombs were popular in China, particularly from the late Yuan to early Ming dynasties. Taking into account similar tombs found in Guangxi and other regions, this tomb can be dated back to the Ming or Qing Dynasty.
在广西一个小村子中发现了两口棺材 。每口棺材的长度大约是50厘米 。它们大多是由石灰制成,而沙子是第二成分 。灰泥状坟墓曾在中国非常流行,特别是元末明初曾经大肆盛行 。考虑发现的类似广西等地区的坟墓,这座古墓可以追溯到明朝和清朝 。
1. coffin n. 棺材
2. lime n. 石灰
3. mortar n. 灰泥