I'm a 15-year-old girl, and my friend Kendall has stolen a ring from me. I've known Kendall for a couple of years, and recently we've become best friends. I invited her over to my house and showed her the ring, and she really liked it. The moment she left, I noticed the ring was missing.

I didn't want to accuse Kendall of stealing, so I asked if she had "borrowed" my ring. She denied it, but would not look me in the eyes. She is known for getting in trouble, and though I think she is a wonderful friend, I am convinced she took the ring.
What is the best way to persuade her to come clean so we can get this behind us? I really enjoy her friendship, and it saddens me to have this come between us. - Troubled in California
Dear Troubled:
Do you want the friendship or the ring? It's unlikely Kendall will simply return the ring because that means admitting she took it, and as you can see, she didn't take the opportunity to do so when you tried to make it easy for her. If you want to keep the friendship, tell Kendall to let you know if she ever finds the ring-and then forget about it. We also suggest you stop inviting Kendall to peruse your jewelry.