Mike: I'm bored. Everything's the same every day. I want to make a change.
Amanda: What kind of change?
Mike: I think I'll shave my head bald.
Amanda: Why on earth would you do that? What purpose would it serve? And what would your parents say about that?
Mike: I won't tell my parents till afterwards. It's better to ask forgiveness than permission. As for why, I already told you! For a change! For something new! No other real purpose, but a bald head would be good for reflecting light if the power goes out.
Amanda: Did you get that idea from a TV commercial?
Mike: Sort of. Actually you just reminded me of it, but the commercial was probably in the back of my mind. I just want to do anything crazy and different.
Amanda: Maybe I should try wearing sweaters all summer. That would be different.
Mike: That would be ridiculous! At least having a shaved head would keep me cool. Why don't you dye your hair purple?
Amanda: I'm not as desperate for a change as you are. A change for me would be starting a new hobby or just buying something new.