The Desert Rose.
In really harsh conditions, it jettisons its leaves to minimise water loss.
在情况很恶劣的时候 它会放弃叶片以减少水分流失
Strangely, it chooses this time to flower.
Its bulbous trunk is like a barrel that stores water all year round.
沙漠玫瑰膨胀浑圆的树干 像个终年储水的水桶
It's so hardy it can grow out of bare rock.
生命力极强的沙漠玫瑰 可以生长在光秃秃的岩石上
It might seem that conditions can't get much tougher for a plant than here.
对植物来说 这里的环境应该算是最恶劣的
But, for some, the conditions are even harsher.
但有些植物生长环境的恶劣程度 有过之而无不及
Six hours ago, here on the coast of Australia,
六个小时前 这棵生长在澳洲海边的树
this tree was high and dry on a sandy beach.
For almost all plants, saltwater is lethal,
盐水几乎对所有植物 都有致命杀伤力
so submersion of this tree's roots by the tide twice a day should kill it.
这棵树的根部,一天被潮水淹没两次 它应该活不成了
Yet this Red Mangrove is flourishing.
The retreating tide reveals the key to surviving the sea's assault.
潮水退去之后 它不畏海水蹂躏的关键昭然若揭