1.link to 与…连接, 联系
It will be helpful when I need to link to them.
当我想要链接到他们的时候会很有用 。
It's a tough link to break.
这是种难以割裂的联系 。
2.rule out 宣布…不可能,排除…的可能性
We don't rule out the possibility that negative trends in the periphery could stabilize.
我们不排除外围国家的发展趋势从不利走向稳定的可能性 。
Dalrymple clarifies privately that his sources did not rule out an iphone announcement in another venue besides wwdc.
同时,道里姆波尔私下里亦进一步解释说,他在苹果的线人并未排除在全球开发人员大会外,苹果在其他场合发布iPhone的可能性 。
3.set fire to 点着…;激起;燃点
Protesters set fire to government building and burned his likeness in effigy.
抗议者点燃了政府大楼和卡扎菲的肖像 。
Aboriginal protesters set fire to an australian flag outside the national parliament in canberra.
澳大利亚土著居民抗议者在堪培拉国家议会外放火焚烧一面澳大利亚国旗 。
4.compare with 与…相比;比得上
Life isn't fair-don't compare with or be jealous of others.
生活并不是公平的不要比较也不要嫉妒别人 。
Atheists have precious little to compare with this.
相比之下,无神论者的资源就少得可怜 。