The creation of new sound signs was probably quite a fast-moving process,
and as they developed, the signs would have had to be listed-the earliest dictionaries if you like-beginning an intellectual process of categorising things and relationships, that has never stopped since.
随着符号逐渐增多, 便有了将其全部列出的必要性,可以称之为最早的词典。由此也开始了一个将词汇、物品及其之间的关系分类记录的过程,这一过程现在还在延续。
Our little beer-ration tablet leads directly, and swiftly, to a completely different way of thinking about ourselves and about the world that surrounds us.
But what does it do to the human mind when writing becomes part of culture? We asked John Searle, Professor of Philosophy at the University of California, Berkeley:
I think you don't understand the full import of the revolution brought by writing if you think of it just as preserving information into the future.
There are two areas where writing makes an absolutely decisive difference to the whole history of the human species.
One area is complex thought.
There's a limit to what you can do with the spoken word.
You cannot really do higher mathematics or even more complex forms of philosophical argument of the kind that I am interested in, unless you have some way of writing it down and scanning it.
So it's not adequate to think of writing just as a way of recording, for the future, facts about the past and the present.
On the contrary, it is immensely creative.
But now a second thing about writing, which I think is just as important as that, and that is when you write down you don't just record what already exists, but there are elements in which you create new entities.
You create money, you create corporations, you create governments, you create complex forms of society, and writing is essential for all of that.