Fruits and vegetables are facing an absurd situation. On one hand, people are encouraged to eat at least 5 a day: a lot of money for families; on the other, we throw 300 million tons of it away each year.
As the European Union made 2014 the European Year Against Food Waste, Intermarche—the third largest supermarket chain in France—decided to rehabilitate the non-calibrated and unperfect fruits and vegetables.
So we launch Les Fruits et Legumes Moches, The Inglorious Fruits and Vegetables, starring the grotesque apple, the ridiculous potato, the hideous orange, the failed lemon, the disfigured eggplant, the ugly carrot, and the unfortunate clementine. Now, you can eat 5 inglorious food fruits and vegetables a day, as good, but 30 percent cheaper.
所以我们推出Les Fruits et Legumes Moches(法文),也就是「不上相的蔬果」,由奇形怪状的苹果、滑稽的马铃薯、丑丑的橘子、失败的柠檬、变形的茄子、难看的红萝卜、还有倒霉的小甜橘主演。现在,你每天可以吃下五种不上相的蔬果,一样美味,但便宜百分之三十。

How did we do it? We bought from our growers the products they usually threw away and sold them in stores. They got their own aisle, their own labelings, and their own spot on the sales receipt. For people to realize that they were just as good as the others, we designed and distributed inglorious vegetable soups and inglorious fruit juices.
And it worked. Our new kind of fruits and vegetables were an immediate success. We faced only one problem: being sold out—1.2 tons average sale per store during the first 2 days, plus 24 percent overall store traffic.
This initiative increased the awareness about food waste. It created a lot of conversation in social networks—over 13 million people reached after 1 month—and had a big impact in the media. Finally, journalists suggested that every supermarket in the country should do that.
The Inglorious Fruits and Vegetables—a glorious fight against food waste.