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欧美人文风情(视频+文本+字幕)第139篇:年度最有价值球员 Stephen Curry,成功不是个意外

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Stephen Curry - Success is Not an Accident

年度最有价值球员 Stephen Curry--成功不是个意外

Make sure you live in the moment, and work your butt off every single day. And I hope I inspire people all around the world to just be themselves, be humble, and be grateful for all the blessings in your life. And I'm truly honored to be your MVP this year. Thank you very much.

Years Earlier

年度最有价值球员 Stephen Curry,成功不是个意外.jpg

Several years ago, I had the great honor of working the first-ever Kobe Bryant Nike Skills Academy. Nike invited the top 20 high school shooting guards and the top 10 college shooting guards in the country to this camp with Kobe. And it's kinda funny now that I look back on it—how many of those players are now household names in the NBA. However, at that time, the least recognized player there was Stephen Curry, but I knew immediately that he was the most impressive, and that thinking long term, he was going to be a future NBA superstar. Here's how I knew that: it was all because of his work habits.

几年前,我有幸能举办首届的 Kobe Bryant 篮球技术学院。Nike 邀请国内前二十强高中得分后卫,也邀请国内前十强大学得分后卫来和 Kobe 一起参加这个营队。现在回头看来有点有趣--那些球员现在有多少人是 NBA 家喻户晓的名字了。不过,在那时候,最让人没有印象的球员就是 Stephen Curry,但我很快就知道他是最令人钦佩的,而且就长远来看,他将会成为一位未来 NBA 超级明星。我是这样知道的:一切都是因为他的工作习惯。

Now those skills academies—we would have two workouts a day for three straight days. Thirty minutes before every single workout, most players were still in their flip-flops and had on their headphones, and Stephen Curry had already started doing some form shooting. He'd already started taking game shots from game spots in game situations. By the time the workout officially started, he had probably already made 100 to 150 shots—almost in a full sweat.

那些技术学院--我们会连续三天有一天两次的练习。在每次练习的三十分钟前,大部分的球员都还穿着他们的夹脚拖还有戴着他们的耳机,但 Stephen Curry 早就开始练投了。他已经开始就赛中可能的投球位置,模拟比赛状况进行练投。到练习正式开始时,他可能已经投进 100 到 150 球了--几乎全身汗流浃背。
When the workout actually started, he was meticulous with everything that he did. He made sure that he had perfect footwork, he made sure that he had perfect shooting form. If he did anything and it wasn't perfect, he did it all over again. And he didn't need a coach to tell him. He just did it. And then probably the most impressive thing that he did, was as soon as every workout was over, he would not leave the court until he swished five free throws in a row. You know how hard that is? But that's the level of excellence that he holds himself to.
And the moral of that story is that success is not an accident; success is actually a choice. And Stephen Curry is one of the best shooters on the planet today, because he has made the choice to create great habits. And my question to you is, Are the habits that you have today on par with the dreams that you have for tomorrow? That's something that you need to ask yourself every single day, because whatever you do on a regular basis today will determine where you will be tomorrow.
而那故事的寓意是,成功不是个意外;成功其实是一个选择。而 Stephen Curry 是如今全世界最出色的射手之一,因为他做出养成好习惯的选择。而我给你的问题是,你今天所有的习惯能成就你对明天所抱的梦想吗?那是件你每天都必须要问自己的事,因为不论你今天照惯例做了什么事情,将会决定你明天所在的位置。
Curry fires, for three. Just impossible to stop him. Curry, unbelievable!
Curry 出手,三分进帐。根本没办法挡住他。Curry,太不可思议了!
Curry launches a three. He got it!
Curry 投了一颗三分球。他进了!
Offensive rebound. Curry again. And Curry hits a three!
进攻篮板。Curry 又来一次。Curry 投进一颗三分球!
We've just never seen somebody who can take threes off the dribble at this kind of volume. You know, I've said it for years. He's a glitch, I mean, he just doesn't exist. And he makes you change everything you do on defense.
Curry slips the defense, behind the back! Fires a three! Oh! He puts it in! For three! He turned! He knew it was in! He turned and ran back before the ball ever got there!
Curry 闪过防守,背后运球闪过!出手一颗三分球!噢!他把球投进了!投出三分球!他转身!他知道球进了!他在球进之前就转身跑回去了!
When Curry gets hot, there's just nothing like it. I've been in two arenas now where it happened...I can't even describe it.
Curry 手感火烫的时候,没有任何东西可以比拟。我曾在两场比赛上见识过...我甚至没办法形容那一切。
I don't even know how to describe what I watched tonight. I have never seen a player with this skill set.
He'll T-up the three for the record. He got it! All-time NBA record 273 made three-point shots for the marksman Stephen Curry.
他会投出破纪录的三分球。他投进了! 神射手 Stephen Curry,投进 273 颗三分球的 NBA 历史纪录。
And the moral of that story is that success is not an accident; success is actually a choice. And Stephen Curry is one of the best shooters on the planet today, because he has made the choice to create great habits. And my question to you is, Are the habits that you have today on par with the dreams that you have for tomorrow?
而那故事的寓意是,成功不是个意外;成功其实是一个选择。而 Stephen Curry 是如今全世界最出色的射手之一,因为他做出养成好习惯的选择。而我给你的问题是,你今天所有的习惯能成就你对明天所抱的梦想吗?
Long rebound. Steph, no timeout exists. And five, Curry, for the lead. Yeah!
Curry, electrifying this crowd!
Curry, 震惊全场球迷!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
inspire [in'spair]


vt. 影响,使 ... 感动,激发,煽动

coach [kəutʃ]


n. 大巴,教练;(火车)客车车厢,四轮马车,经济舱

academy [ə'kædəmi]


n. 学院,学术,学会

impressive [im'presiv]


adj. 给人深刻印象的

sweat [swet]


n. 汗,汗水
v. (使)出汗

describe [dis'kraib]


vt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成

grateful ['greitfəl]


adj. 感激的,感谢的

meticulous [mi'tikjuləs]


adj. 一丝不苟的,精确的

planet ['plænit]


n. 行星

determine [di'tə:min]


v. 决定,决心,确定,测定





