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看图片学英语(MP3+字幕) 第2册第26期:page26-page29

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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page: 26

What are these things?

a. a bed

b. a bag

c. a sock

d. a stocking

e. a shoe

f. a hairbrush

g. a toothbrush

h. a comb

i. a key

j. a lock

k. a hairpin

l. a fork

m. an engine

n. a plate

o. two pins

p. a pen

q. rails

r. a card

s. a stamp

t. a flame

u. a frame

v. a hook

w. a book

x. a bell

y. a bottle

z. a glove

page: 27


a. what do seven and eleven make?

Seven and eleven make eighteen.

What do twenty and forty make?

Twenty and forty make sixty.

What do thirteen and thirty make?

Thirteen and thirty make forty-three.

What do two hundred and three and three hundred and four make?

Two hundred and three and three hundred and four make five hundred and seven.

b. Where does the sun come up and where does it go down?

The sun comes up in the east and goes down in the west.

Does day come after night?

Yes, day comes after night.

Does night come after day?

Yes,night comes after day.

c. This is a letter.

Where do we put Mr.Green's street and town and state on the letter?

We put his street under his name and we put the name of the town under the name of the street and under that we put the name of the state.

d. Tom's work at school is learning.

He is a learner.

What is the teacher's work?

The teacher's work is teaching.




