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看图片学英语(MP3+字幕) 第2册第33期:page72-page73

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Page 72


a Is the boy nearer to the woman than the girl is?

No,the girl is nearer to the woman.

Is the girl nearer to the boy than to the woman?

Yes,the girl is nearer to the boy than to the woman.

b Which of these two is farther from the tree?

The girl is farther from the tree.

Is the boy farther from the tree than from the girl?

Yes,the boy is farther from the tree than from the girl.

c Which of these two glasses is full of water,the glass to the right or the glass to the left?

The glass to the left is full of water.

d Is there more land than water on the south side of the earth?

No,there is more water than land on the south side of the earth.

Page 73


a Which of these is a half moon, which is a full moon,which is a quarter moon and which is a new moon?

C is a half moon, B is a full moon,D is a quarter moon and A is a new moon.

b I got a book

I gave ten dollars to the man in the bookstore.

He gave me the book and fifty cents.

What was the price of the book?

The price of the book was nine dollars and fifty cents.

How much was the book?

It was nine dollars and fifty cents.

How much change did he give me?

He gave me fifty cents change.

c How far may a quick train go in an hour?

A quick train may go a hundred miles in an hour.

How far may you go on your feet in an hour, four miles or forty?

I may go four miles but not forty.

d What are some different sorts of transport?

Ships, trains, buses,and airplanes are different sorts of transport.

Which is the quickest sort of transport?

The airplane is the quickest of these.




