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看图片学英语(MP3+字幕) 第2册第37期:page102-page112

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Page: 102

The potatoes are on the plate.

They were in the pot.

They were hard.

They are soft now.

Mary is crushing them with a fork.

They are not hard now.

They are soft.

Bread is soft.

Meat is soft.

Glass is hard.

Butter is soft.

Page: 103

John has a bit of cheese on his fingers.

He is putting the bit of cheese in his mouth.

Now it is between his teeth.

This is his mouth.

This is a tooth.

These are teeth.

The cheese is not soft.

It is hard.

John's teeth do not go into the cheese.

Page: 104

Mary put the potatoes and the milk and the other things into the pot.

This is salt.

She put the pot over a low flame.

She put the cover on the pot.

The low flame is under the pot.

This flame is low.

This flame is high.

This building is high.

This building is low.

Page: 105

What is the time?

It is six.

Mary is tasting the soup.

It has a good taste.

The soup is ready.

Now she is putting the soup in the plates.

It was in the pot.

Now it is in the plates.

She made the soup.

She put it in the plates.

She took them to the table.

The plates are on the table.

The soup is ready.

It is good soup.

Mary made it.

Page: 106

Soup,potatoes,milk,meat,bread,butter,cheese,apples,oranges are food.

They are different sorts of food.

An apple

An orange

Apples and oranges are different sorts of fruit.

These are different sorts of glasses.

These are different sorts of boxes.

Glasses and boxes and fingers and dresses and flames are things.

They are different sorts of things.

Page: 107

Cows and sheep and pigs and horses and goats are animals.

They are different sorts of animals.

These are different sorts of plants.

This is the leaf of one sort of plant.

This is the leaf of another sort of plant.

These are the same.

These are different.

These are the same.

These are different.

These plates are the same.

These plates are different.

These glasses are the same.

These are different.

Page: 108

Here are a woman and a boy.

The boy is the woman's son.

She is his mother.

He is her son.

Here are a woman and a girl.

The girl is the woman's daughter.

The woman is her mother.

Here are a man and his son.

The man is the father of the boy.

He is the boy's father.

Here are a man and his daughter.

He is the father of the girl.

He is the girl's father.

She is his daughter.

Page: 109

The boy is the brother of the girl.

He is the girl's brother.

He is her brother.

The girl is the sister of the boy.

She is the boy's sister.

She is his sister.

This man and woman have two sons and three daughters.

This boy has one brother and three sisters.

This girl has two brothers and two sisters.

They are a family of seven.

Page: 110

Here are Ms.Smith,her daughter Jane,and her son Tom.

They are at the table.

They are having their potato soup.

Potato soup is a thick soup.

It is not clear.

Thick soup and clear soup are two different sorts of soup.

This water is clear.

When a liquid is clear, we see through it.

Milk is not a clear liquid.

We do not see through it.

The air is clear.

I see the mountains.

When the air is not clear I do not see them.

Page: 111

This soup is clear.

We see the spoon through it.

Potato soup is a thick soup.

We do not see the spoon through it.

Who is this?

This is Mary.Smith.

She made the soup.

This is Mary who made the soup.

This is the soup.

Mary made it.

This is the soup which Mary made.

This is the milk.

Mary put it in the soup.

This is the milk which Mary put in the soup.

Page: 112

This is a spoon.

It is in my hand.

This is a spoon which is in my hand.

That is a glass of water.

It is on the table.

That is a glass of water which is on the table.

This is a bone.

It was in the dog's mouth.

This is the bone which was in the dog's mouth.

This is a dog.

He had the bone.

This is the dog who had it.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
spoon [spu:n]


n. 匙,调羹,匙状物
vt. 以匙舀起

liquid ['likwid]


adj. 液体的,液态的
n. 液体

flame [fleim]


n. 火焰,热情
v. 燃烧,面红,爆发





