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- Protesting Algerians Shot Dead In Paris
- 阿尔及利亚人民在巴黎举行抗议时遭枪击
- French police kill up to 400 people marching in support of Algeria's independence.
- 法国警方将支持阿尔及利亚独立的400多名民众杀害。
- In 1961, French police killed several hundred Algerians in the streets of Paris.
- 1961年,法国警方在巴黎街头杀害了几百名阿尔及利亚人民。
- The victims were marching in a peaceful demonstration against French colonial rule in their homeland.
- 这些受害者正在举行和平示威游行,反对在他们的家乡接受法国的殖民统治。
- More than 10,000 others were arrested, some of whom died while being held in jail.
- 超过10000人被逮捕,其中一些人则在监狱中死亡。
- In 1962, Algeria finally became an independent country after over 100 years of French colonization.
- 1962年,100多年的法国殖民后阿尔及利亚终于成为独立的国家。
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来源:可可英语 //m.moreplr.com/Article/201510/406815.shtml