"It is scarcely possible to set down in writing""The magnificence of this province.
几乎无法用文字表述 这个地方是多么富丽堂皇
"Here they weave gold tissues,"As well as every other kind of silken cloth.
这里的人们用金丝编织 还有如丝绸布料一般的薄娟
"The city contains merchants of great wealth "And an incalculable number of people."
城市里聚集着富甲一方的商人 人口众多 不计其数"
Columbus was a classic example of someone
who really was inspired by literature and dreamed big.
典型例子 他有着伟大的梦想
He's possessed with this desire to win the lottery of life.
一心想要 交得人生的鸿运
He wanted to be the next Marco Polo.
Columbus' brother is a map-maker,
Together they plot a revolutionary idea:
To head east by traveling west.
Not overland like Marco Polo, but by sea.
与马克·波罗的陆路不同 他们走的是海陆
What a great opportunity,
能够参与其中 是多么千载难逢的机会
what a wonderful thing to be a part of.
When I think of it for myself, it's like WHOO!
想象这事发生在我身上 哇哦
You get a little frisson.
Map-makers at the time know nothing about the Americas.
那时候 地图绘制家们对美洲一无所知
To them, this double continent doesn't exist.
They believe there's a vast uncrossable ocean Between Europe and Asia.
他们相信在欧亚大陆间有一片 无法逾越的海洋