Technology environment is practical to us
Reporter: We’ve noticed at TDWI and other shows lately that your booths have a new look featuring the Teradata name. Can you tell us about this shift in branding?
Hurd: NCR has decided to give even greater focus to its data warehousing and CRM business. In July 2000 NCR created two operating divisions within the company, with all data warehousing and analytical solutions under the Teradata Division. Then,earlier this year, we pushed the emphasis further by implementing a new branding approach for this business. Following extensive research and analysis with customers, prospective customers and industry luminaries,we decided to create a new brand icon featuring the Teradata name and began identifying ourselves as “Teradata,a division of NCR Corporation.” This will be the lead brand to promote our data warehousing and analytical solutions, projecting a technology-savvy, passionate, confident organization.
赫德:NCR准备将更多的精力投入到数据库存和客户关系管理上。2000年7月,NCR在公司内部开创了两个运营段,包括所有的数据库存和解析解法。然后在今年的早些时候,我们又执行了新的品牌政策,以把更多的注意力放在那个产业。我们首先对我们的现有顾客、潜在顾客和工业方面的杰出人物进行了大规模的研究与分析,然后我们决定创造一个以Teradata为特征的新的品牌形象,并将我们定义为“Teradata, NCR的一个分支”。作为一个领头品牌将它推销我们的数据库存和解析解法,规划出一个富有技术、充满激情和自信的组织。
Reporter: Give us your view of the data warehousing market. What factors are driving your division’s growth in this space?
Hurd: If you take a look at the volatility in the marketplace today, where business cycles are compressing at an accelerated rate and investors are demanding growth, an executive’s biggest challenge is making better decisions— faster and more efficiently. Executives are also desperate to push decision-making deeper in the organization in order to win and keep customers in today’s frenetic competitive pace. There's no room for mistakes. Teradata’s strength lies in helping companies grow their business by enabling this “instant” decision-making environment. We accomplish this by first delivering powerful data warehousing and analytical solutions that offer a single view of the business across the enterprise. An integrated view is an extremely important first step, because all questions, no matter how complex, will result in more accurate decisions if they are analyzed against a single consistent view of the data. The next step is to deliver power to the people—providing analysis capabilities throughout the orginization that delivers quick, fact-based answers. Giving people the ability to take action based on facts, balancing very costly, sometimes sensitive issues is critical to nimble business performance. Finally, for those companies ready for the new competitive frontier, Teradata solutions are ready to link the results of analysis with other business applications, automatically updating systems with new information that affects pricing, processes, logistics, and service. That’s our vision for how business and decision-making will quickly evolve to succeed in the networked economy. The enabling technology environment is something we call active data warehousing. That is important to us.