I don't think that one reality is more valid than another.
我认为不同的现实观感 并没有真实性的高低之分
And that means that reality itself is in the mind of the beholder.
那就表示现实本身 总是因人而异
When you think about it,even our point of view is far from perfect
当你仔细想过之后 就连我们的观点也一点都不完美
It may seem that human eyes for example,are pretty good at seeing the world around them.
举例而言 人类的眼睛 似乎很善于观看周遭的世界
But in fact,they're not so great.
Our eyes only see a small area with good resolution.
人眼看得到的清晰画面 就只有一小区域
An area the width of your thumb when held that arms length.
The eyes then send electrical signals to the brain down the optic nerve.
然后眼睛会透过视神经 送出电流讯号到大脑
The area where this nerve connects to our eyes
means we have two blind spots in our vision.
But we don't perceive a blurry world with two black holes.
但我们并不会看到 有两个黑洞的模糊世界
This is because of the incredible organ,that is our brain.
这要多亏神奇的器官 也就是我们的大脑
Our brains fill in the gaps transforming the crude signals from the eyes
我们的大脑填补了空隙 转换眼睛传送的原始讯号
into a three-dimensional model of the outside world.
It is this mental models that each of us called reality.
这些认知模型 就是我们每个人所谓的现实