Unlike laws made by humans,the laws of nature cannot ever be broken.
不同于人所制定的法规 自然法则永远不可违背
That's why they are so powerful and,when seen from a religious standpoint,controversial,too.
所以它们的威力才会如此强大 而从宗教观点来看 也才会充满争议
if you accept, as I do,that the laws of nature are fixed,
若你和我一样认同 自然法则永远不变
then it doesn't take long to ask,what role is there for God?
应该很快就会发问 上帝的角色为何
This is a big part of the contradiction between science and religion.
And although my views have recently made headlines,
it is actually an ancient conflict.
Back in 1277,Pope John XXl felt so threatened by the idea of laws of nature that he decreed them a heresy.
回到1277年 教皇约翰21世 深感自然法则思想的威胁 于是颁布教令指其为异端邪说
Unfortunately,that did nothing to change the law governing gravity.
A few months later,the palace roof collapsed and fell on the Pope's head.
数个月后 宫殿的屋顶崩塌 落在教皇头上
But organized religion soon found a solution.
但高度组织化的宗教 很快就找出了解决之道
For the next few hundred years,
it was simply stated that the laws of nature were the work of God,
他们声称 自然法则是出自上帝之手
and God could break them if he wished to.