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营养健康与癌症预防(MP3+视频+中英字幕) 第175期:营养标示(2)

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  • First when reading any food label you should start by noticing the serving size given.
  • 阅读食物标签时我们首先注意到的是提供的食用分量
  • There are two different parts in this section
  • 它包含两个不同的部分
  • the serving size and then the number of servings per container.
  • 食用分量和使用分量的数量
  • The serving sizes are usually listed in standard measurements such as cups pieces tablespoons etcetera.
  • 食用分量通常以标准尺度列出如杯,块,匙等等
  • The serving size allows you to compare similar food products to each other.
  • 食用分量可以使你比较相似的产品
  • After noticing the serving size you should also look to
  • 关注完食用分量你还应该关注
  • see how many serving sizes are within the container
  • 每包产品含有多少个食用分量
  • this information is listed just below the serving size.
  • 这一项就列在食用分量之下
  • If you consume the whole package of food
  • 如果食用了整包食品
  • you will have to multiply the number of servings per container by all the information listed on the box.
  • 那就得把整包食品的食用分量数乘以标签上的所有数据
  • Using this macaroni and cheese food label as an example.
  • 以通心粉奶酪的食物标签为例
  • The serving size is one cup.
  • 其食用分量是一杯
  • Below this it reads servings per container two.
  • 下面是每盒含有两小包
  • This means if you were to eat the whole box of macaroni and cheese
  • 也就是说如果你吃了一整盒通心粉奶酪
  • you would eat a total of two cups of macaroni and cheese.
  • 相当于吃掉了两杯通心粉奶酪
  • Also if you eat the whole box
  • 同理,如果你吃掉了一盒,
  • you would then need to multiply the rest of the numbers on the food label
  • 你需要将食品标签上的其他数据
  • by the number two as well as to figure your calories consumed and the total nutrients consumed.
  • 乘以2来获知自己食入的总热量和所有营养物质
  • Moving on, the next section of the food label is calories.
  • 继续看食物标签的下一部分是热量
  • Calories also have two pieces of information listed on the food label.
  • 它也有两栏信息列在食物标签上
  • Calories per serving tell you the amount of energy in each serving.
  • 每份热量告诉你每份食品中含的热量
  • Located just to the right of calories per serving a food label will list calories from fat.
  • 位于其右侧的是来自脂肪的热量
  • Both of these are important in order to figure the total amount of calories you consume,
  • 这两个数据都很重要,要计算自己食用的热量总量
  • you must multiply the calories per serving by the number of servings that you have consumed.
  • 你得将每份含有热量与食用的份数相乘
  • Calories from fat tells the consumer how many of the total calories consumed are coming from fat.
  • 来自脂肪的热量告知消费者摄入的总热量中来自脂肪的部分
  • This information will allow you to
  • 这部分信息可以使你
  • compare the calories from fat to the number of calories in each serving.
  • 比较来自脂肪的热量与每份含有的热量
  • This number can be calculated by dividing the number of calories from fat by the number of calories per serving.
  • 这一数据可以用脂肪提供的热量与每份含有的热量之比来表示
  • As you can see here listed just below the serving size is information about calories.
  • 现在你在这里看到的食用分量之下的就是热量信息
  • On the left it shows the calories per serving are 250 and on the right it shows calories from fat 110.
  • 左侧显示每份含有热量为250卡,右侧显示脂肪提供110卡热量
  • This means that there are 110 calories per serving coming from fat
  • 这就是说每袋脂肪提供110卡热量
  • as compared to the total amount of calories per serving being 250.
  • 而每袋总热量是250卡
  • To calculate the percentage of calories from fat you can divide 110 by 250 which equals 44%.
  • 要算出每袋脂肪提供热量比例,就用110除以250得到44%
  • So if you are eating one serving of macaroni and cheese you would consume a total of 250 calories,
  • 因此,如果你吃了一袋通心粉奶酪,就摄入了250卡热量
  • 110 of those calories are coming from fat which means that 44% of your total calories consumed are from fat.
  • 其中的110卡来自脂肪,也就是说摄入总热量的44%来自脂肪
  • If you eat the whole box of macaroni and cheese
  • 如果你吃掉了整盒通心粉奶酪
  • you would consume a total of 500 calories which is 250 multiplied by 2 servings and this would be 220 calories coming from fat.
  • 就共摄入了500卡热量,由250乘以2获得,其中220卡来自脂肪




重点单词   查看全部解释    
consume [kən'sju:m]


v. 消耗,花费,挥霍

calculated ['kælkjuleitid]


adj. 计算出的;适合的;有计划的 v. 计算;估计;

container [kən'teinə]


n. 容器,集装箱

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

calculate ['kælkjuleit]


v. 计算,估计,核算,计划,认为

multiply ['mʌltiplai]


vt. 乘,增加
vi. 扩大,繁衍,做乘法<





