Sculley usually drove a Cadillac,
but, sensing his guest's taste, he borrowed his wife's Mercedes 450SL convertible
to take Jobs to see Pepsi's 144-acre corporate headquarters, which was as lavish as Apple's was austere.
To Jobs, it epitomized the difference between the feisty new digital economy and the Fortune 500 corporate establishment.
A winding drive led through manicured fields and a sculpture garden (including pieces by Rodin, Moore, Calder, and Giacometti)
to a concrete-and-glass building designed by Edward Durell Stone.
Sculley's huge office had a Persian rug, nine windows, a small private garden, a hideaway study, and its own bathroom.
When Jobs saw the corporate fitness center, he was astonished that executives had an area, with its own whirlpool, separate from that of the regular employees.
"That's weird," he said. Sculley hastened to agree.
"As a matter of fact, I was against it, and I go over and work out sometimes in the employees' area," he said.

Their next meeting was a few weeks later in Cupertino, when Sculley stopped on his way back from a Pepsi bottlers' convention in Hawaii.
Mike Murray, the Macintosh marketing manager, took charge of preparing the team for the visit,
but he was not clued in on the real agenda.
"PepsiCo could end up purchasing literally thousands of Macs over the next few years," he exulted in a memo to the Macintosh staff.
"During the past year, Mr. Sculley and a certain Mr. Jobs have become friends.
Mr. Sculley is considered to be one of the best marketing heads in the big leagues; as such, let's give him a good time here."
Jobs wanted Sculley to share his excitement about the Macintosh.
"This product means more to me than anything I've done," he said.
"I want you to be the first person outside of Apple to see it."
He dramatically pulled the prototype out of a vinyl bag and gave a demonstration.
Sculley found Jobs as memorable as his machine.
"He seemed more a showman than a businessman.
Every move seemed calculated, as if it was rehearsed, to create an occasion of the moment."
Jobs had asked Hertzfeld and the gang to prepare a special screen display for Sculley's amusement.
"He's really smart," Jobs said. "You wouldn't believe how smart he is."
The explanation that Sculley might buy a lot of Macintoshes for Pepsi
"sounded a little bit fishy to me," Hertzfeld recalled,
but he and Susan Kare created a screen of Pepsi caps and cans that danced around with the Apple logo.
Hertzfeld was so excited he began waving his arms around during the demo, but Sculley seemed underwhelmed.
"He asked a few questions, but he didn't seem all that interested," Hertzfeld recalled.
He never ended up warming to Sculley.
"He was incredibly phony, a complete poseur," he later said.
"He pretended to be interested in technology, but he wasn't.
He was a marketing guy, and that is what marketing guys are: paid poseurs."