One day my dad drove up to see two nine-year-old boys in the driveway with a production line operating at full speed.Fine white powder everywhere.On a long table were small milk cartons from school, and our family's hibachi grill was glowing with red-hot coals at maximum heat.
Dad walked up cautiously, having to park the car at the base of the driveway since the production line blocked the carport.As he got closer, he saw a steel pot sitting on top of the coals with the toothpaste tubes were being melted down.In those days, toothpaste did not come in plastic tubes. The tubes were made of lead.So once the paint was burned off, the tubes were dropped in the small steel pot.

Melted until they became liquid, and with my mom's pot holders, we were pouring the lead through a small hole in the top of the milk cartons.
The milk cartons were filled with plaster of paris. The white powder everywhere was plaster before we mix it with water.The milk cartons were the outer containers for plaster of paris molds.
My dad and watched as we carefully poured the molten lead through a small hole in the top of the plaster of paris cube.
“What are you boys doing?” he asked with a cautious smile.
“We’re doing what you told me to do. We’re going to be rich,” I said.
“Yup,” said Mike, grinning and nodding his head. “We’re partners.”
“And what is in those plaster molds?” dad asked.
“Watch,” I said. “This should be a good batch.”
With a small hammer, I tapped at the seal that divided the cube in half.
Cautiously, I pulled up the top half of the plaster mold and a lead nickel fell out.”
“Oh, my God!” my dad said. “You’re casting nickels out of lead.”
“That’s right,” Mike said. “We’re making money.”
My dad smiled and shook his head.
Along with a fire and a box of spent toothpaste tubes in front of him, we're two little boys covered with white dust smiling from ear to ear.
He asked us to put everything down and sit with him on the front step of our house.
With a smile, he gently explained what the word “counterfeiting” meant.
Our dreams were dashed. “You mean this is illegal?” asked Mike.
“Yes, it is illegal,” my dad said gently. “But you boys have shown great creativity and original thought. Keep going. I’m really proud of you!”