I sat staring at the floor, beginning to understand the lesson rich dad was presenting. I could sense it was a taste of life. Finally, I looked up and repeated the question, “So what will solve the problem?”
“This,” he said, tapping me gently on the head. “This stuff between your ears.”
It was at that moment that rich dad shared the pivotal point of view that separated him from his employees and my poor dad—and led him to eventually become one of the richest men in Hawaii, while my highly educated but poor dad struggled financially all his life. It was a singular point of view that made all the difference over a lifetime.

Rich dad said over and over this point of view, which I call lesson number one: The rich have money work for them.
On that bright Saturday morning, I was learning a completely different point of view from what I had been taught by my poor dad. At the age of nine, I grew aware that both dads wanted me to learn. Both dads encouraged me to study, but not the same things.
My highly educated dad recommended that I do what he did. “Son, I want you to study hard, get good grades, so you can find a safe, secure job with a big company. And make sure it has excellent benefits.” My rich dad wanted me to learn how money works so I could make it work for me.These lessons I would learn through life with his guidance, not because of a classroom.
My rich dad continued my first lesson, “I’m glad you got angry about working for 10 cents an hour. If you hadn’t got angry and had simply accepted it, I would have to tell you that I could not teach you. You see, true learning takes energy, passion, and a burning desire.Anger is a big part of that formula, for passion is anger and love combined. When it comes to money, most people want to play it safe and feel secure. So passion does not direct them. Fear does.”
“So is that why they’ll take jobs with low pay?” I asked.
“Yes,” said rich dad. “Some people say I exploit people because I don’t pay as much as the sugar plantation or the government. I say the people exploit themselves. It’s their fear, not mine.”