“Mrs. Martin is like a mother to me. I would never be that cruel. I may sound cruel because I’m doing my best to point something out to the two of you. I want to expand your point of view so you can see something most people never have the benefit of seeing because their vision is too narrow. Most people never see the trap they are in.”
Mike and I sat there, uncertain of his message. He sounded cruel, yet we could sense he was desperately wnat us to know something.
With a smile, rich dad said, “Doesn’t that 25 cents an hour sound good? Doesn’t it make your heart beat a little faster?”

I shook my head no, but it really did. Twenty-five cents an hour would be big bucks to me.
“Okay, I’ll pay you a dollar an hour,” rich dad said, with a sly grin.
Now my heart was beginning to race. My brain was screaming, “Take it. Take it.” I could not believe what I was hearing. Still, I said nothing.
“Okay, two dollars an hour.”
My little nine-year-old brain and heart nearly exploded. After all, it was 1956 and being paid $2 an hour would have made me the richest kid in the world. I couldn’t imagine earning that kind of money. I wanted to say yes. But somehow my mouth stayed shut.Maybe my brain is overheated and blown to refuse, but deep down I wanted that 2 dollars an hour.
The ice cream had melted and was running down my hand. Rich dad was looking at two boys staring back at him, eyes wide open and brains empty. He was testing us, and he knew there was a part of our emotions that wanted to take the deal.
“Okay, five dollars an hour.”
Suddenly there was silent inside me. Something had changed. The offer was too big and got ridiculous. Not many grown-ups in 1956 made more than five dollars an hour, the temptation disappeared, and calm set in. Slowly, I turned to my left to look at Mike. He looked back at me. The part of my soul that was weak and needy was silenced. The part of me that had no price took over. There was a calm and a certainty that money had entered my brain and my soul. I knew Mike had gotten to that point also.