So a few years ago,I did something really brave,or some would say really stupid.I ran for Congress.
For years, I had existedsafely behind the scenes in politicsas a fundraiser, as an organizer,but in my heart, I always wanted to run.The sitting congresswomanhad been in my district since 1992.She had never lost a race,and no one had really even run against herin a Democratic primary.But in my mind, this was my wayto make a difference,to disrupt the status quo.The polls, however,told a very different story.My pollsters told methat I was crazy to run,that there was no way that I could win.

But I ran anyway,and in 2012, I became an upstartin a New York City congressional race.I swore I was going to win.I had the endorsementfrom the New York Daily News,the Wall Street Journalsnapped pictures of me on election day,and CNBC called it one of the hottestraces in the country.I raised money from everyone I knew,including Indian auntiesthat were just so happyan Indian girl was running.But on election day, the polls were right,and I only got 19 percent of the vote,and the same papersthat said I was a rising political starnow said I wasted 1.3 million dollarson 6,321 votes.Don't do the math.It was humiliating.
Now, before you get the wrong idea,this is not a talkabout the importance of failure.Nor is it about leaning in.I tell you the storyof how I ran for Congressbecause I was 33 years oldand it was the first timein my entire lifethat I had done somethingthat was truly brave,where I didn't worry about being perfect.
And I'm not alone:so many women I talk to tell methat they gravitatetowards careers and professionsthat they knowthey're going to be great in,that they know they'regoing to be perfect in,and it's no wonder why.Most girls are taughtto avoid risk and failure.We're taught to smile pretty,play it safe, get all A's.Boys, on the other hand,are taught to play rough, swing high,crawl to the top of the monkey barsand then just jump off headfirst.And by the time they're adults,whether they're negotiating a raiseor even asking someone out on a date,they're habituatedto take risk after risk.They're rewarded for it.It's often said in Silicon Valley,no one even takes you seriouslyunless you've had two failed start-ups.In other words,we're raising our girls to be perfect,and we're raising our boys to be brave.
Some people worryabout our federal deficit,but I, I worry about our bravery deficit.Our economy, our society,we're just losing outbecause we're not raisingour girls to be brave.The bravery deficit is whywomen are underrepresented in STEM,in C-suites, in boardrooms, in Congress,and pretty much everywhere you look.
In the 1980s, psychologist Carol Dwecklooked at how bright fifth gradershandled an assignmentthat was too difficult for them.She found that bright girlswere quick to give up.The higher the IQ,the more likely they were to give up.Bright boys, on the other hand,found the difficult materialto be a challenge.They found it energizing.They were more likelyto redouble their efforts.
在1980年代,心理学家Carol Dweck观察研究了五年级学生如何处理一项对他们来说太困难的作业。她发现,聪明的女孩们很快就放弃了。智商越高的女孩,放弃的可能性越大。男孩们,将困难的材料视为一个挑战。他们为此精力充沛。他们更倾向于双倍努力。
What's going on?Well, at the fifth grade level,girls routinely outperform boysin every subject,including math and science,so it's not a question of ability.The difference is in how boysand girls approach a challenge.And it doesn't just end in fifth grade.An HP report foundthat men will apply for a jobif they meet only 60 percentof the qualifications,but women, women will applyonly if they meet 100 percentof the qualifications.100 percent.This study is usually invokedas evidence that, well,women need a little more confidence.But I think it's evidencethat women have been socializedto aspire to perfection,and they're overly cautious.
And even when we're ambitious,even when we're leaning in,that socialization of perfectionhas caused us to takeless risks in our careers.And so those 600,000 jobsthat are open right nowin computing and tech,women are being left behind,and it means our economyis being left behindon all the innovation and problemswomen would solveif they were socialized to be braveinstead of socialized to be perfect.
So in 2012, I started a companyto teach girls to code,and what I foundis that by teaching them to codeI had socialized them to be brave.Coding, it's an endless processof trial and error,of trying to get the right commandin the right place,with sometimes just a semicolonmaking the differencebetween success and failure.Code breaks and then it falls apart,and it often takes many, many triesuntil that magical momentwhen what you're tryingto build comes to life.It requires perseverance.It requires imperfection.
We immediately see in our programour girls' fear of not getting it right,of not being perfect.Every Girls Who Code teachertells me the same story.During the first week,when the girls are learning how to code,a student will call her overand she'll say,"I don't know what code to write."The teacher will look at her screen,and she'll see a blank text editor.If she didn't know any better,she'd think that her studentspent the past 20 minutesjust staring at the screen.But if she presses undo a few times,she'll see that her studentwrote code and then deleted it.She tried, she came close,but she didn't get it exactly right.Instead of showingthe progress that she made,she'd rather show nothing at all.Perfection or bust.
It turns out that our girlsare really good at coding,but it's not enoughjust to teach them to code.
My friend Lev Brie, who is a professorat the University of Columbiaand teaches intro to Javatells me about his office hourswith computer science students.When the guys are strugglingwith an assignment,they'll come in and they'll say,"Professor, there's somethingwrong with my code."The girls will come in and say,"Professor, there's somethingwrong with me."
我的朋友Lev Brie,是哥伦比亚大学的教授他教授Java编程他告诉我他对电脑科学学生开放的咨询时间里发生的故事。当男生们艰难应对一个作业的时候,他们会过来然后说,“教授,我编的程序出了点问题。”女生们会过来然后说,“教授,我出了点问题。”
We have to begin to undothe socialization of perfection,but we've got to combine itwith building a sisterhoodthat lets girls knowthat they are not alone.Because trying harderis not going to fix a broken system.I can't tell you how many women tell me,
"I'm afraid to raise my hand,I'm afraid to ask a question,because I don't want to be the only onewho doesn't understand,the only one who is struggling.When we teach girls to be braveand we have a supportive networkcheering them on,they will build incredible things,and I see this every day.Take, for instance,two of our high school studentswho built a game called Tampon Run --yes, Tampon Run --to fight against the menstruation tabooand sexism in gaming.Or the Syrian refugeewho dared show her lovefor her new countryby building an appto help Americans get to the polls.Or a 16-year-old girlwho built an algorithmto help detect whether a canceris benign or malignantin the off chancethat she can save her daddy's lifebecause he has cancer.These are justthree examples of thousands,thousands of girls who have beensocialized to be imperfect,who have learned to keep trying,who have learned perseverance.And whether they become codersor the next Hillary Clinton or Beyoncé,they will not defer their dreams.
“我害怕举手发言,我害怕问问题,因为我不想做那个那个唯一不懂的人,那个唯一挣扎的人。当我们教女孩们要勇敢我们要有支持她们的系统来鼓励她们,她们会有伟大的成就,我每天都看到这些事。举个例子,两个高中学生制作了一个游戏叫做 卫生棉逃亡--(译者注:和游戏”神庙逃亡“谐音)对,卫生棉逃亡--来反对游戏中的月经标记和对女性的歧视。或是叙利亚难民她展示了对新国家的爱制作了一款应用程序让美国人轻松了解民调。或是一个16岁的女孩她建立了一套运算系统来帮助测算癌症是良性的还是恶性的,抱着一丝希望能救她患癌症的父亲。这只是成千上万个例子中的三个,成千上万个女孩被社会化为不完美的,她们学习如何不断尝试,学着如何持之以恒。无论她们未来会成为程序员或是下一个希拉里·克林顿或是碧昂斯,她们不会推迟自己的梦想。
And those dreams have never beenmore important for our country.For the American economy,for any economy to grow,to truly innovate,we cannot leave behindhalf our population.We have to socialize our girlsto be comfortable with imperfection,and we've got to do it now.We cannot wait for themto learn how to be brave like I didwhen I was 33 years old.We have to teach themto be brave in schoolsand early in their careers,when it has the most potentialto impact their livesand the lives of others,and we have to show themthat they will be loved and acceptednot for being perfectbut for being courageous.And so I need each of youto tell every young woman you know --your sister, your niece,your employee, your colleague --to be comfortable with imperfection,because when we teachgirls to be imperfect,and we help them leverage it,we will build a movementof young women who are braveand who will builda better world for themselvesand for each and every one of us.
这些梦想对我们国家来说是多么重要。对美国的经济,对任何成长中的经济,对真正的创新开发,我们不能丢下半数的人口。我们需要社会化地教女孩们适应习惯不完美,我们现在开始就要这样做。我们不能等到她们自己去学习如何勇敢就像我33岁时那样。我们要教她们勇敢在学校在职业起步的时期,在能够影响她们的人生以及其他人的人生重要的时期,要让她们知道她们会被爱被接受不是因为完美而是因为充满勇气。我需要你们每个人告诉你认识的每个年轻女士 --你的姐妹,你的侄女,你的雇员,你的同事 --习惯接受不完美,因为当我们告诉女孩不必完美的时候,我们帮助她们平衡这样的关系,我们会有更多勇敢的年轻女士这些女士为她们自己和我们每个人建立更好的世界。
Thank you.
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