Angelo Bartlett "Bart" Giamatti was the President of Yale University, and later, the seventh Commissioner of Major League Baseball. Giamatti was born in Boston and grew up in South Hadley, Massachusetts. Giamatti attended South Hadley High School, spent his junior year at the Overseas School of Rome, and graduated from Phillips Academy in 1956. Giamatti served as President of Yale University from 1978 to 1986. He was the youngest President of the University in its history. Giamatti agreed to the deal that terminated the Pete Rose betting scandal by permitting Rose to voluntarily withdraw from the sport, avoiding further punishment.
安吉洛巴特嘉马地,曾是耶鲁大学校长,后来,又成为第七届棒球大联盟的官员。嘉马地生于波士顿,在马萨诸塞州的南哈德利长大。他在南哈德利高中受教育, 不过高中三年级是在罗马海外学校读的,并于1956年从菲利普斯学校毕业。嘉马地从1978年到1986年担任耶鲁大学校长,他是耶鲁大学历史上最年轻的一位校长。嘉马地同意了开除皮特罗斯因博彩绯闻的的协议,为避免进一步惩罚,允许他自动退出比赛。

Giamatti had a lifelong interest in baseball. In 1978, when he was first rumored to be a candidate for the presidency of Yale, he had deflected questions by observing that "The only thing I ever wanted to be President of was the American League." He became President of the National League in 1986. During his stint as National League president, Giamatti placed an emphasis on the need to improve the environment for the fan in the ballparks. He also decided to make umpires strictly enforce the balk rule, and supported "social justice. While still serving as National League president, Giamatti suspended Pete Rose for 30 games after Rose shoved umpire Dave on April 30,1988. Later that year, Giamatti also suspended Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Jay Howell, who was caught using pie tar during the National League Championship Series.
嘉马地非常喜欢棒球。1978年,有谣言传他将是耶鲁校长候选人的时候,嘉马地澄清问题并坚持说"我生平惟一想做的一件事就是成为美国棒球联盟的主席"。1986年, 他成为了国家棒球联盟的主席。在国家棒球联盟主席任职期间,嘉马地重点强调了改善球迷在棒球场上环境的必要性。同时,他要求裁判严格执行棒球投球规则并支持"社会公平"原则。在担任国家棒球联盟主席期间,嘉马地在1988年4月30日因罗斯推倒了裁判戴夫而中止了他30次比赛资格,同年,嘉马地又中止了洛杉矶投球手杰伊豪厄尔的比赛资格,原因是在国家联盟冠军系列赛中他被发现使用松焦油。
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