Of blowhards and bombs
Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un seem to want to make nuclear proliferation more likely
MORALLY, Donald Trump is not like Kim Jong Un. He does not send children to gulags. But the bombastic tycoon and the bellicose tyrant do have some things in common: a habit of self-adulation, an original take on reality, a preference for high walls around their countries. They have also, between them, stirred up the debate about nuclear proliferation in North-East Asia. When North Korea first acquired the bomb ten years ago, many feared that its neighbours would soon follow suit. South Korea, Japan and Taiwan are all technologically adept and have reason to feel threatened. Yet none has gone nuclear. And their restraint is likely to continue even though Mr Kim has tested what he claims was a hydrogen bomb and Mr Trump has suggested that Japan and South Korea should build their own bombs to relieve America of the burden of defending them.
1 blowhard 吹牛大王;自吹自擂的人
2 proliferation激增;涌现;增殖;大量的事物
3 nuclear proliferation
4 gulag 劳改营;(前苏联的)古拉格劳改营
5 bombastic adj. 夸夸其谈的,空洞的; 虚夸;
6 tycoon(企业界的)大亨,巨头,巨子
7 bellicose 好争辩的;好斗的;好战的
8 tyrant 暴君;专制君主;暴虐的统治者
9 adulation 称赞;吹捧;奉承
10 stirred up 激励;鼓动
11 stir sth up 激起(感情)
12 restraint 约束力;管制措施;制约因素
13 hydrogen 氢;氢气
14 the bomb [单数] nuclear weapons ( atomic or hydrogen bombs) 核武器;核弹
15 follow suit 跟着某人做;仿效某人;照着做
16 original (思想、行为、衣着等)不同寻常的人,独特的人,怪人
In a recent book, “Asia’s Latent Nuclear Powers”, Mark Fitzpatrick of the International Institute for Strategic Studies argues that, of the three countries, South Korea is the most likely to acquire nuclear weapons—though that is still not likely at all. Polls show that nearly two-thirds of South Koreans back a nuclear capability. Some politicians agree. One is Chung Mong-joon, from the dynasty behind the giant Hyundai conglomerate and a presidential candidate in 2012. After the latest nuclear test he called for South Korea to quit the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and pursue the bomb as the only way of forcing the North into nuclear negotiations. That, he wrote on his blog, was a “cold-war lesson”.
1 latent 潜在的;潜伏的;隐藏的
2 Hyundai 现代公司总部所在地
3 conglomerate 联合大公司;企业集团
More than two decades of browbeating, bribing and cajoling North Korea have been fruitless. And, South Korean pro-nuclear types point out, India and Pakistan have been declared nuclear powers since 1998 without going to war or becoming international pariahs. Yet the dangers to South Korea of going nuclear seem far to outweigh the benefits. With America fiercely opposed, it would threaten the alliance on which the South’s security depends. The country would be vulnerable to economic sanctions. Others, such as Japan, might want to go nuclear as well. And North Korea might react violently to signs that the South was building its own bomb, which some experts think would take 18 months. Some argue for nuclear weapons more for effect than as a practical policy—to prod America into reaffirming its “nuclear umbrella” and to make China put real pressure on North Korea.
1browbeat 恫吓;威逼
2 bribe 向(某人)行贿;贿赂
3 cajole 劝诱;哄骗;诱骗
4 fruitless 没有成果的;无成效的;徒然的
5 pariah 被社会遗弃者;贱民
6 outweigh重量上超过; 比…重要; 胜过,强过; 比…有价值;
7 prod 戳;杵;捅
8 reaffirm 重申;再次确定
9 type 具有某种特征的人;典型
10 vulnerable 脆弱的,易受…伤害的
注释1: 中、美、俄、英、法五国同时也是联合国安理会常任理事国,是世界上公认的核武器大国。只有联合国安全理事会5个加入了《不扩散核武器条约》的常任理事国才是被普遍承认有核国家地位的国家。其他拥有核武器的国家被视为违背《不扩散核武器条约》精神的非法拥核国家。 拥有核武器的国家有:美国、俄罗斯、英国、法国、中国、印度、巴基斯坦、以色列,朝鲜。除美国、俄罗斯、英国、法国、中国已掌握核武器外,印度在1974年进行过一次核试验。巴基斯坦也在1998年05月29日首次核试验成功。以色列和日本虽未公开进行核爆试验,但以色列是公认的拥有核武器的国家,日本被认为是准核国家。朝鲜进行过三次核试验,并且正在向着核武器更小型化方向发展,以便未来能够实现实战能力。 注释2:阿卜杜勒·卡迪尔汗,为巴基斯坦成为穆斯林世界唯一的核国家,建立了不可磨灭的历史功勋,被誉为巴“核弹之父”和“导弹之父”。正是他主持开发出本国的原子弹和高里导弹,使巴基斯坦几十年的屈辱一扫而光,实现了与印度的核均势,让巴基斯坦在国际上挺直了腰。
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