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Here you go. Look at that.Do not want to mess with this.Highly venomous.Big front claws there.

快瞧瞧这个 可不要惹毛了这东西 剧毒 超大的前爪

And if that bites you,so let somebody sing a red-hot poker into you.

如果那东西咬你一口 就像有人用滚烫的火钳捅你一下

Let him down here.We're gonna give him a very wide berth.Okay. It's getting down.

慢慢放他放下 我们要对他敬而远之 好了 放下了

During our travels, the crew and I have encountered all sorts of dangerous animals.

在路途中 工作组和我会遇到各种危险的动物

Sometimes we take them on.Other times, we keep our distance.

有时我们与它们正面交锋 有时 我们躲得远远的

Just see over there.Ok. Come down. Come down.That's a brown bear.Look, we are very close here.Probably, about 50 metres.

快看那边 低点 低点 那是一只棕熊 看 我们离得很近 大概有五十米吧

I do find that when we doing animal encounter,what in the view fine is not actually happening infront of you.

我觉得我们遭遇野生动物时 取景器里面的画面并非你眼前的真实情况

And you do feel complete removed from that,and if you look another eye.

你感觉置身事外 但是如果你张开另只眼睛

You actually see that it is actually happening in front of you.But he hasn't spoted us, I think.

你就能感觉到这就在眼前发生 我觉得 它还没发现我们

Sometimes these encounters can be dangers.So I force to keep the crew back, and going alone.

有时候 遭遇野生动物是很危险的 所以我必须让摄制组待在后方 独身行动

Steady and stay there.It's a good size probably 50 or 60 punds.

别慌张 就呆在那 大小不错 五十或六十磅

Well, you can see he's caught around the back leg here.Stay back. Don't get that close.

你看它的后腿被扯住了 退后 别靠这么近

You got to stay at the limit of its rope.These are powerhouses.This thing was seriously mad.

你得站在它的够不着的地方 它们总是精力旺盛 这只野猪被激怒了

I think he got at one point he sort of know how to attack his leg

它还一度占上风 像是要咬他的腿

They look small but it is definitely a little tank for four leg,

它们看起来体形不大 但是实际上确是有四条腿的坦克

very low center of gravity, makes them really really strong.And they will just fight for their lives.

由于重心低 使得它们非常强壮 为了生存 它们要殊死一搏

重点单词   查看全部解释    
gravity ['græviti]


n. 重力,严重,庄重,严肃

slab [slæb]


n. 平板,厚的切片 v. 切成厚板,以平板盖上

crew [kru:]


n. 全体船员,全体乘务员,(一组)工作人员

tank [tæŋk]


n. 坦克,箱,罐,槽,贮水池
vt. 把 .

encounter [in'kauntə]


n. 意外的相见,遭遇
v. 遇到,偶然碰到,

steady ['stedi]


adj. 稳定的,稳固的,坚定的
v. 使稳固


关键字: 荒野 求生 贝尔




