Kate Moss was born in England in 1974. She is best known for her waifish figure, which made her into a hugely successful supermodel. She is also famous for her controversial private life, with its high-profile relationships, party lifestyle and drugs. She changed the look of modelling and started a global debate on eating disorders and her role in the size zero fashion.
Moss became a model at the age of 14. She was at New York’s JFK Airport on her way home from a family holiday. The owner of a top modeling agency spotted her and asked her to be one of her models. She hit the big time a year later when she did a photo shoot for ‘The Face’ magazine.
年仅14岁的摩丝成为了一名模特。当时她刚刚结束家庭旅行,正在纽约肯尼迪机场等待回家。模特经纪公司总裁看中了她,并邀请她成为旗下模特。一年后,她为时尚杂志《The Face》拍摄照片,并一炮而红。

Moss changed the way models looked in the 1990s. She became a kind of anti-supermodel with her thin, pale, but very fresh and simple look. She has frequently been voted the sexiest woman in the world. She has also worked with all the top brands and designers. She is among the richest women in Britain.
Moss’s career has had its ups and downs. She was engaged to rock star Pete Doherty. Their break-up provided tabloid headlines for months. The newspapers cashed in on a 2006 photograph of Moss taking cocaine. Her career was in ruins and many modeling agencies dropped her. However, the scandal only added to her fame. She earns much more now than before and is in great demand.
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