I was trying to open the lid of my ice cream and I pulled so hard. I punched myself in the face.
lid n. 盖子
punch vt. 捶
Forgot I put a mirror in my room. Got up at night, thought someone broke in and tried to kick them. Broke the mirror and my toe.
toe n. 脚趾
Flipped weed wacker over to unclog it, stepped on trigger, ended up weed wacking my belly hair off.
weed wacker n. 割草机
unclog v. 使畅通
belly n. 肚子,腹部
trigger n. 开关,扳机
step on 踩上
When I heard that Jennifer Aniston got engaged, I sprained my ankle running into the kitchen to tell my mom.
听到Jennifer Aniston 订婚的消息,我狂奔到厨房告诉我妈,结果扭伤了脚踝。
ankle n. 脚踝(想起小时候第一次念成脚“果”,lol)
sprain v. 扭伤
I made microwave popcorn and when I opened the bag to smell it, the hot air burned my face.
microwave n. 微波炉
popcorn n. 爆米花
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