And as such this testifies to the lofty importance that Halakha accords to or saving lives in general. But as originally stated the Rodef defence
pertained only to a situation in which one individual directly encountered a second individual attempting to kill a third individual.
The law is expanded in its interpretation to apply to more indirect situations to the prevention of non-capital crimes and to the protection of the public as a whole.
这条法律被扩展应用于其他一些不那么直接的情况 用来阻止不是那么罪大恶极的犯罪 保护公众的生命
To take a significant example from the previous decade, Amir the assassin of attempted to argue that his killing of
我来举一个过去十年发生的非常重要的案例 杀人犯Amir辩护说他杀死Rhabin是受哈拉卡法律
Rhabin was Halakhically justified since Rhabin was a or informer who by negotiating to establish a Palestinian state became a Rodef who endangered
保护的 因为Rhabin是犹太人的告密者想要通过谈判建立巴勒斯坦国这样就危及到了整个犹太民族 也就因此成为了
the whole Jewish people, most authorities rejected Amir's claim but the fact that he made it at all shows the danger of allowing any legal exceptions
Rodef 大多数法律权威都驳回了Amir的辩护 但是这个案例显示了任何法律上的例外或者不同于正规程序的捷径存在
or shortcuts to due process. The ancient sages were aware of this as Weintraub argues, and thus they endeavoured to place a number
的危险性 古代的智者对此也有明确认识 所以他们在Rodef辩护的发生条件上
of restrictions on the application of the Rodef principle. There are three primary restrictions on the application of Rodef. First that force
must be intended to save a particular victim from imminent and probable harm. Second that Rodef cannot be used to
justify harm to third party innocents and third that the Rodef bust be thwarted with minimal harm proportional to the threat he poses.
Weintraub deals with each of these restrictions in turn before asking how they might apply to the interrogation of US detainees in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo.
Weintraub分别分析了这三条限制条件在美军对伊拉克 阿富汗和关塔那摩被扣押者的审问中的应用
With regards to the first restriction, that force may be employed only to save a particular victim from imminent
and probable harm, the Rabbi has emphasised the spontaneity of such a situation, the situation cannot be premeditated,
Rabbi强调了这种事件发生的即时性这种情况不能被预先策划 不能够基于
it cannot be based upon one's assessment of the prior conduct or future threat posed by the Rodef. But rather must be in response to a pressing and present need.
对Rodef已有行为的判断和对可能威胁的预期来施加惩罚 而必须是基于一种迫切的需要
If the attacker one seeks to foil has already stopped beating the third party by the time one reaches him for example.
如果可能受到惩罚的袭击者在目击者到来的时候已经停止对第三方造成伤害 这时 对袭击者造成的伤害
At that point violence against the attacker remains assault and is not protected by the Rodef defence.
就构成了袭击 而不受Rodef辩护的保护