Okay... rolling. Um... one, two, one, two...
Hello, everybody! I've just seen an #EmergencyLesson video by Yaroslav and Nastya in the Ukraine, and I think it's amazing. And it's really important as well. And I couldn't help noticing that Yaroslav had an Iron Man on his backpack, which I thought was pretty cool. I've got an Iron Man on my backpack, but don't tell anyone.
哈萝大家!我刚看了乌克兰的 Yaroslav 和 Nastya 拍的 #EmergencyLesson 影片,我觉得很棒。而且也很重要。我忍不住注意到 Yaroslav 的背包上有只钢铁人,我觉得满酷的。我自己的背包上也有钢铁人,不过别告诉任何人。
They asked us, as you see, to share our best school photos, so I'm now gonna share my best school photo with you. Please try not to make fun of my hair. This is four-year-old Tom... in some very smart stripy trousers, which I may wear again someday. When I was this age, I didn't know I wanted to be an actor. But I was in a school play, and I played Toad in The Wind in the Willows... so, from that day to this.

School is so much more than a building, as you know. It's where you meet your friends. It's teachers, it's protection, it's stability, and it's hope. And it's where you find out who you are and who you want to be. And for children like Yaroslav and Nastya who are living through crisis and conflict all over the world, school is as vital as food and medicine.
学校不只是一栋建筑,你知道的。学校是你认识朋友的地方。它是良师、它是庇护、它是稳定,而且它是希望。而且学校是你发现自我和了解自己想成为谁的地方。对世界各地像 Yaroslav 和 Nastya 这样正经历动荡不安的孩子来说,学校就跟食物和医疗一样重要。
Here's how you can help: The hashtag is #EmergencyLessons. And you can help us celebrate the importance of school by sharing your favorite school photo... with the embarrassing hair... and sharing this video here.
这里是你能帮上忙的方法:主题标签是 #EmergencyLessons。你可以借由分享你最喜欢的校园照来帮我们宣扬学校的重要性……留着呆呆发型的照片……还有分享这支影片。