That twined into the researching into this question. Interesting answers well, we need better education, we need better buildings.
它们都被投入去研究这个问题 得到的答案却非常有意思 我们需要更好的教育 更好的建筑
We need more resources, but very little change actually in practice came about. And then there was a paradigm.
更多的资源 但是实际上发生的变化很少 然后出现了一种范式
Quite literally a paradigm shift in the 1980s. Through the work of Antonovsky who I mentioned last time and I’ll mention again today, through the work of Antonovsky.
20世纪80年代出现了范式转移 通过Antonovsky的努力 我上次提到过他 今天我要再次提到他 通过Antonovsky
And other people like Ellen Langer, other people like Alice Isen, different questions started to be asked by psychologists. Instead of asking what did these individuals fail.
及Ellen Langer和Alice Isen等其他人的努力 心理学家们提出了不同的问题 他们不去问为什么这些人会失败
Positive psychologists started to ask what made some individuals succeed despite unfavorable circumstances? Maybe it was the case that many failed, but not everyone.
积极心理学家开始问是什么让某些人 成功了?即便面对的是不理想的环境? 也许是有很多人失败了 但并非所有人
Some succeeded and succeeded big time. And what psychologists started to do then was to ask why. What is it about them that is so successful?
有些人成功了 而且非常成功 心理学家们此时便开始问 为什么 为什么他们如此成功?
And that, in the words of Frost, made all the difference. The psychologists started to identify elements, aspects of these individuals and studied them in depth.
用Frost的话来说 这才是至关重要的 心理学家们开始识别这些人的各种因素 以及各个方面并深入分析他们
Starting to study the successful individuals, and identify elements that they could then teach later in creating interventions based on what they had studied.
他们开始研究这些成功的人 并识别出各种因素 然后他们通过研究想出介入方法
And suddenly, there were results, real results, tangible results, after decades of virtually zero results, simply based on the question.
突然间结果出来了 真正的结果 切实的结果 打破了数十年零结果的局面 这仅仅是基于一个简单的问题