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美国学生历史 第60期:联邦(4)

来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • 176. Passage of the Ordinance of 1787.
  • 176.通过1787年《西北法令》
  • What should be done with the lands which in this way had come into the possession of the people of all the states?
  • 怎样处理那些以这种方式已经为各个州的人民所拥有的那些土地?
  • It was quite impossible to divide these lands among the people of the thirteen states.
  • 将这些土地分给十三州根本就不可能,
  • They never could have agreed as to the amount due to each state.
  • 大家从来就不曾就一个州拥有多少土地达成共识。
  • In 1785 Congress took the first step.
  • 1785年国会采取第一步行动,
  • It passed a law or an ordinance for the government of the Territory Northwest of the Ohio River.
  • 为俄亥俄河西北部地区的政府通过一项法律或者条例。
  • This ordinance was imperfect, and few persons emigrated to the West.
  • 这个条例有缺陷,很少有人移民到西部去,
  • There were many persons who wished to emigrate from the old states to the new region.
  • 有很多人想从旧的州移民到新的地区。
  • But they were unwilling to go unless they felt sure that they would not be treated by Congress as the British government had treated the people of the original states.
  • 但是,如果人们确信他们不会被国会以过去英国政府对待各州人民的方式对待自己的话,他们将愿意移民到西部,
  • Dr. Cutler of Massachusetts laid these matters before Congress and did his work so well that Congress passed a new ordinance.
  • 库特勒博士将这些问题提交给国会。他的工作做得非常好,国会通过了一项新的法令,
  • This was in 1787. The ordinance is therefore called the Ordinance of 1787.
  • 这就是1787年《西北法令》。
  • It was so well suited to its purpose that nearly all the territories of the United States have been settled and governed under its provisions.
  • 此法令很好地达到了其最初目的,按照它的条款几乎美国所有的领土都被明确标明并管制起来。
  • It will be well to study this great document more at length.
  • 应仔细学习这个伟大的文件。
  • 177. The Ordinance of 1787.
  • 177.1787年《西北法令》
  • In the first place the ordinance provided for the formation of one territory to be called the Territory Northwest of the Ohio.
  • 首先,这个法令提出"俄亥俄西北部地区"这个说法,
  • But it is more often called the Northwest Territory or simply the Old Northwest.
  • 但人们往往把它叫做西部地区或者简单地叫做"老西北";
  • At first it was to be governed by the persons appointed by Congress.
  • 刚开始这个地方应该由国会任命的人来管理,
  • But it was further provided that when settlers should arrive in sufficient numbers they should enjoy self-government.
  • 但条例进一步指出,当居住者达到足够的数量时,他们可以自治;
  • When fully settled the territory should be divided into five states.
  • 当居住人数充分多时,这个地区要被分为五个州,
  • These should be admitted to the Confederation on a footing of equality with the original states.
  • 这五个州要像原始州那样被联邦承认。
  • The settlers in the territory should enjoy full rights of citizenship.
  • 居民应该享有充分的国民权利;
  • Education should be encouraged.
  • 应该鼓励发展教育,
  • Slavery should never be permitted.
  • 永远不允许有奴役。
  • This last provision is especially important as it saved the Northwest to freedom.
  • 最后一个条款非常重要,因为它拯救了西北地区使之走向自由。
  • In this way a new political organization was invented.
  • 这样就创制了一个新的政治组织,
  • It was called a territory.
  • 人们把它叫做一个区域,
  • It was really a colony; but it differed from all other colonies because in time it would become a state on a footing of entire equality with the parent states.
  • 其实它是一个殖民地,但又与其他殖民地不同,因为总有一天它会变成一个州,这个州与造就它的各个州完全平等。


176. Passage of the Ordinance of 1787.

What should be done with the lands which in this way had come into the possession of the people of all the states? It was quite impossible to divide these lands among the people of the thirteen states. They never could have agreed as to the amount due to each state. In 1785 Congress took the first step. It passed a law or an ordinance for the government of the Territory Northwest of the Ohio River. This ordinance was imperfect, and few persons emigrated to the West. There were many persons who wished to emigrate from the old states to the new region. But they were unwilling to go unless they felt sure that they would not be treated by Congress as the British government had treated the people of the original states. Dr. Cutler of Massachusetts laid these matters before Congress and did his work so well that Congress passed a new ordinance. This was in 1787. The ordinance is therefore called the Ordinance of 1787. It was so well suited to its purpose that nearly all the territories of the United States have been settled and governed under its provisions. It will be well to study this great document more at length.
177. The Ordinance of 1787.
In the first place the ordinance provided for the formation of one territory to be called the Territory Northwest of the Ohio. But it is more often called the Northwest Territory or simply the Old Northwest. At first it was to be governed by the persons appointed by Congress. But it was further provided that when settlers should arrive in sufficient numbers they should enjoy self-government. When fully settled the territory should be divided into five states. These should be admitted to the Confederation on a footing of equality with the original states. The settlers in the territory should enjoy full rights of citizenship. Education should be encouraged. Slavery should never be permitted. This last provision is especially important as it saved the Northwest to freedom. In this way a new political organization was invented. It was called a territory. It was really a colony; but it differed from all other colonies because in time it would become a state on a footing of entire equality with the parent states.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
possession [pə'zeʃən]


n. 财产,所有,拥有

territory ['teritəri]


n. 领土,版图,领域,范围

emigrate ['emigreit]


v. 移居,移民

colony ['kɔləni]


n. 殖民地,侨民,侨居地,聚居(地), 群体,菌落

document ['dɔkjumənt]


n. 文件,公文,文档
vt. 记载,(用文件

original [ə'ridʒənl]


adj. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的

unwilling ['ʌn'wiliŋ]


adj. 不愿意的

settled ['setld]


adj. 固定的;稳定的 v. 解决;定居(settle

impossible [im'pɔsəbl]


adj. 不可能的,做不到的

provision [prə'viʒən]


n. 规定,条款; 供应(品); 预备





