Has damaged them because they've, precisely because they have been damaged by what they've done, that's when some kind of internal.
怎样的伤害 这种伤害恰恰是由他们自身导致的这个时候就应该有外人
Critique or somebody outside can point out to them what they've missed because they've started out with sort of this is necessary I may.
向他们指出他们做的事情对自身造成的伤害 因为他们的出发点是虽然这件事情我不喜欢
Not like it but it's what we have to do to preserve our way of life and then the way of life changes because you accepted that Necessary thing.
Hi, I just want to start off thanking our Professor Anderson and Professor Nespalm for putting this conference together.
And Professor Samaha for chairing this section and Christen for her forthcoming comments So I'm going to be talking today about private.
同时感谢Samaha教授担任这个环节的主席 还有Christen即将做出的点评今天我想谈谈雇佣兵
Contractors and their use in war today and what issues that raises in terms of torture and human rights abuses Some of you may know there.
Are as many if not more private civilian contractors in Iraq working under US government contracts today there are US troops, there are more than.
现在的伊拉克美军雇佣了很多的雇佣兵大约有180 000人