1.sell out 卖完,卖光,售完
例句:Yes, I’m sure they will sell out just as their website states.
是的,我确信单凭他们现在网站的形势是会卖出去的 。
2.refrain from 克制,抑制,忍住
例句:Antihistamines and refrain from exercise are a way of treatment.
当然抑制剂和防过敏药物是一种治疗方法 。
3.father figure 长者,父亲形象,领袖
例句:Their argument was that, in a crisis, the President needs to be a father figure, not just a rational decision-maker.
他们的辩词是,在危急中,总统应该是长者般的人物,而不仅仅是一个决策制定者 。
n. 娱乐