Poor Pinocchio huddled close to the doghouse more dead than alive from cold, hunger, and fright.
Now and again he pulled and tugged at the collar which nearly choked him and cried out in a weak voice:
"I deserve it! Yes, I deserve it! I have been nothing but a truant and a vagabond.
I have never obeyed anyone and I have always done as I pleased.

If I were only like so many others and had studied and worked and stayed with my poor old father, I should not find myself here now, in this field and in the darkness, taking the place of a farmer's watchdog.
Oh, if I could start all over again! But what is done can't be undone, and I must be patient!"
After this little sermon to himself, which came from the very depths of his heart, Pinocchio went into the doghouse and fell asleep.
End of Chapter.