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We're back,sitting here with Ice Cube.You are,you are a big L.A.Sprots fan.Yeah,yeah,a big Sports fan.

我们回来了 我旁边坐着的是艾斯·库珀 你是一个超级洛杉矶体育迷 是的 超级洛杉矶体育迷

But you know what is interesting about you,a lot of celebrities that are into the L.A. Sports scene,

你的有趣的一点是 很多喜欢洛杉矶体育活动的名人

they hang out with the celebrities a lot,they become friends with them,they party with them.You don't do that.

都会和体育明星一起玩 和他们交朋友 一起聚会 你没这样做

No,I don't do that.because I don't want to say you suck and then have to go out and have dinner with you.I want to be a real fan.

不 我不会这样做 因为我不想骂完“你好烂”之后 再跟你一起出去吃晚餐 你懂吗 我想当真正的体育迷

I'm a real fan,so I'm yelling at you.I'm yelling at the refs.

我是真正的体育迷 所以我会对你吼 我会对裁判吼

I hate your game today.I love your game tomorrow.If I don't want to hang out.I want to stay a fan.

我讨厌你今天的比赛 我喜欢你明天的比赛 所以我不想跟他们玩 我想继续当一个粉丝

That's cool.I appreciate that.I think that's very wise.

真酷 我欣赏这点 我觉得这很明智

Now,you're a dodgers fan but here's the weird thing,I don't know how people know this nationally,but you cannot watch dodgers on TV in Los Angeles.

你是道奇队的球迷 但是有件怪事 我不知道全国人民是否知道 在洛杉矶的电视上看不到道奇队的比赛

Yeah,I'm about to kick somebody's ass about that.Let's talk about that.It's a controversy with DirecTV.

是的 因为这事我要揍某些人 我们来谈谈这事 这是美国直播电视公司的争议事件

They will not make a deal with the dodgers.They don't seem to be able to make a deal.

他们不和道奇队签约了 他们没谈妥

I don't think it's with the dodgers.I think it's DirecTV and it's time Warner Cable.

我觉得这不是道奇队的问题 而是美国直播电视公司和时代华纳有线公司的问题

They got to get it together.Baby what's happening,you all?You all businessmen,do're losing a generation.Losing a generation.

他们必须想办法解决 这是搞毛呢 各位 你们是生意人 快谈生意啊 你们失去了一代的观众 失去了一代的观众

You're saying they're killing themselves,they are hurting the game.They're driving sport fans away.

你是说他们在自杀 破坏了比赛 赶走了体育迷

Young kids who could be watching baseball now and they're going to lose them.

年轻人本可以看棒球 而现在他们不会看了

Yeah,there about to be on the ipads and stupid phones,whatever they're going to be on,

对 他们会去玩iPad和愚蠢的手机 或是其他什么东西

you know what I'm saying,everything but watching the dodgers.and you guys haggling over a couple of dollars here and are going to lose a generation of fans.

懂吗 他们会做别的事 不看道奇队比赛 你们为几美元讨价还价的同时 失去了一代的体育迷

You know My son is already mad,and I'm trying to say man,stick with it,stick with it.they're going to come back.Get it together.We want to see some dodgers in L.A.

我儿子已经生气了 我试图给他说 坚持住 比赛会回来的 赶紧解决问题 我们想在洛杉矶看道奇队比赛

重点单词   查看全部解释    
controversy ['kɔntrəvə:si]


n. (公开的)争论,争议

scene [si:n]


n. 场,景,情景

baseball ['beis.bɔ:l]


n. 棒球

cube [kju:b]


n. 立方体,立方
vt. 求 ... 的立方

stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit]


vt. 欣赏,感激,赏识
vt. 领会,充分意


关键字: 柯南 脱口秀




