I've read some terrific books lately. Here are a few you might wanna read this summer.
The Vital Question by Nick Lane
Nick Lane 的《The Vital Question(重要问题)》
He starts with the basic question of how life started. The work he's done on that is so intriguing.
He seems to be the first guy who's really looked into certain weird things about the mitochondria.
But he puts forward all sorts of ideas about different diseases that really bear looking into.
Yuval Noah Harari 的《Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind(人类大历史:从野兽到扮演上帝)》
Sapiens is really good. And there's a lot of things about early human history that most people haven't been exposed to.
Sapiens 这本书真的很棒。早期人类历史有许多是大部分的人没接触过的。
And he's good and succinct on that. And then he goes off in many directions, like, "Are we happier than we've ever been?"
"And what about robots?" It's got the broad framework. It's a great book.
How Not to Be Wrong by Jordan Ellenberg
Jordan Ellenberg 的《How Not to Be Wrong(数学教你不犯错)》
This book has tons of good stuff in it for a non-mathematician.
He updates you about the world of math, what advances have taken place.
His enthusiasm comes across. In math, if you don't, kind of, practice it, you get this attrition of your mathematical thinking.

The Power to Compete by Ryoichi Mikitani and Hiroshi Mikitani
三木谷良一和三木谷浩史的《The Power to Compete(竞争的能力)》
To me, Japan is fascinating. In the 1980s and '90s, the Japanese were just turning out engineering and doing great stuff.
对我来说,日本很迷人。在 1980 和 90 年代,日本正在发展工程和进行一些很棒的事。
How did they lose their way? Why have these companies not been more innovative?
Japan's actually had a hard time changing, but the country can be in very good shape.
The thing I spent the most time on is Seveneves by Neal Stephenson.
我花最多时间的是 Neal Stephenson 的《Seveneves(七夏娃)》。
I haven't read science fiction much in the last decade, which is, you know, kind of crazy because I used to read it massively.
This terrible thing happens that has to do with the moon breaking apart.
The planet's gonna undergo this meteoric bombardment for, like, 5,000 years.
It makes you think about a lot of things. You know, like, if the world's gonna end in two years, who's gonna come to work?
Should kids go to school? It's a really good book.
So those are some of the books I'd recommend this summer. I hope you find something you like.