It was a puritan endeavor to find a space of gravity and divinity here on earth While me on the other hand, I at Yale university.
纽瓦克是为清教徒寻找庄严和神圣之地而建立起来的同他很相似 我在耶鲁大学
And proud to stand before you right now having founded a religiously based group while I was here.
It is known, I hope some people here are affiliated with the great Eliezer society.
它小有名气 我希望你们有人加入其中也就是伟大的以利以谢社团
Thank you very much for the one person who is a part of Eliezer here.
非常感谢 这里有一个人是以利以谢社团成员
But in truth, Eliezer is one of my most proudest Yale affiliations and I say that with all sincerity.
实际上 以利以谢是我在耶鲁最自豪的一个社团我这句话非常真挚
We started Eliezer with a young rabbi I met him on his 21th birthday. He was.
我们和一位年轻拉比 创建了以利以谢社团我是在他21岁生日时遇见他的 他是
A Hasidic Chabad rabbi and you know I don't have something caught in my throat for.
一位哈西德派哈巴德主义拉比要知道 对于非犹太教徒而言
Those of you who are non-Jewish This was a Hasidic rabbi who was an extraordinary man.
我没有什么堵在喉咙里 不能说的这位哈西德派拉比是一位很了不起的人
And it was five of us around a table at Taft apartment.
Who on a Shabbat night celebrated this wonderful organization's beginning.
I am a non-Jew. I am Christian but this was to me extraordinary, we started a society.
我是非犹太教徒 我是基督教徒但这对我来说意义非凡 我们创建了一个社团
Named after Eliezer who was from the Torah, actually is a non-Jew himself, and.
命名为以利以谢这个人物来自摩西五经 他本人也不是犹太教徒 而且
He was sent by Abraham to find a wife for his son.
Interestingly this is the word Eliezer really means.
The son of a servant, the servant of Eli actually and in many ways the spirit and the vision we had.
仆人之子 这里实际上是以利的仆人实际上 很多方面来讲 和一位拉比一起
For this organization founded with a rabbi was to try to find ways to serve all.
And so today I want to do something a little different than you were probably expecting from this Christian man from Newark, New Jersey.
所以我今天这次演讲的内容 可能是你们没料到的你们不会想到 来自新泽西纽瓦克的基督教徒会这样讲
But in honor of a man named Abraham Pierson who had a spiritual drive that helped to found the city.