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- To the nicer row homes by the park I have seen first class having nothing to do with material things.
- 到公园旁整齐的排屋我看到过同物质事物无关的"头等"
- This world will give you messages that will try to tell you different everyday It's going to try to take you.
- 这个世界会给你各种信息 告诉你每天都有所不同它会将你
- From a great national tradition of citizenship and it's going to try to move you into the current now.
- 从一个伟大的具有公民传统的国家转变为现在这种
- Where people want to consider you more as consumers America must get back to seeing citizenry at first.
- 所有人都想把你看作是消费者的国家美国需要先找回自己的公民传统
- Not consumerism Your worth is not in how much you can buy.
- 而不是消费主义你的价值并不在于你买得起东西
- Your worth will always be in how much you can give This is the challenge of our age, the distractions that we get.
- 你的价值真正在于你能施予多少这是我们这个年代的挑战 让我们分心的这些物质
- And it's more than that It's like the old African proverb.
- 而且还不止这些就像古老的非洲谚语所说的
- Understanding our relationships to each other understanding that we all have an interwoven destiny.
- 理解我们每个人之间的关系理解我们都有一个相互交织的命运
- First-class is knowing that our country has an incredible declaration of independence.
- 头等在于知道我们国家具有不可思议的独立宣言
- But the testimony of America generation after generation has been more about a testimony of interdependence.
- 但美国一代又一代人所见证的更多却是关于相互依赖的
- This African proverb that says simply something I should have learned as a race for that plane.
- 这句非洲谚语说得很简单这就是我应该在赶飞机那件事中学到的
- That if you want to go fast go alone.
- 如果你想走得快独自走
- But if you want to go far go together.
- 但如果你想走得远一起走
- We need each other We need each other more than we know.
- 我们相互需要需要程度远远超出我们的想象
- We have interwoven destinies Life is not like United Airlines.
- 我们具有相互交织的命运生活并不像联合航空公司

来源:可可英语 //m.moreplr.com/Article/201611/476800.shtml