In other words, subjective levels of happiness. Very high correlation between the two which in many ways.
换言之即快乐的主观水平 两者有很大关联 这在很多方面
Gives credence to the many years of research that has been conducted, before we have the technology to do it in a more sophisticated way.
给多年来进行过的研究提供了可信度 在拥有技术进行更全面的研究之前
So the research I am going to share with you some of it is taken using the brain scans.
我会和大家分析讨论各种研究 有些使用大脑扫描
Other is self-evaluation. But again, both are meaningful as well as valuable.
其他是自我评估 两者同样有意义有价值
We'll get more into the way that the research is conducted when we talk about phenomenon such as meditation.
我们会深入讨论研究的进行方式 当我们谈到冥想等现象
Or people like Richie Davidson actually scanned the brain and showed significant changes.
或像是Richie Davidson 通过扫描大脑 显示八周的冥想项目
As a result of an 8-week meditation program. Or people like a very young Joshua Greene.
可以产生重要改变 或年轻的Joshua Greene
Who does a research on morality and shows that we have morality centers in our brain.
他对道德进行研究 显示大脑里有道德中心
So it's becoming much more sophisticated, much more interesting and the interesting thing.
手段更成熟 更有趣 有趣的是
About it is that it verifies a lot of the research that has been done to date with far less sophisticated means.
它验证了许多至今通过不全面的方法 所完成的研究的正确性
Such as self-repport. Research done by Daniel Gilbert.
像自我评估 Daniel Gilbert所作的研究
Who teaches Psych1 on effective forecasting. Here is one of his studies.
他教初级心理学的有效预测 以下是他的一个研究
So what he did was go to professors who were just before either getting the tenure decision:.
他所做的是去访问 接受终身职位审核前的教授