For one of the world's largest solar parks.
This sea of photovoltaic panels generates enough energy to power an average city.
This will become critical for China, as demand is ever increasing.
随着用电需求的增长 这对中国将起着至关重要的作用
This is the coastal city of Shenzhen, in Southeast China.
这里是位于中国东南部的沿海城市 深圳
35 years ago, this was a small town, with a population of 300,000 people.
35年前 这里还是一个仅有30万人口的小城市
12 million people live here now, feeding the largest manufacturing base in the world.
如今 1200万人口生活在这里 这座城市也已成为世界最大的制造业基地