When you're fishing in water teeming with predators,you're never gonna be the fastest hunter.
在与掠食者竞速的垂钓过程中 你永远占不了上风
There's a fish on the line, but not for long.
有条鱼上钩了 可好景不长
Wow. Look at that head.Trying to take the fish off.
瞧那脑袋 想把鱼夺走
That's one battle I don't mind letting him win.
Man, did you see the size of that?Okay.
伙计 看见它那庞大的身躯了吗 好吧
Tell you what,my nerves are gonna be a wreck at the end of this trip.
告诉你吧 等这趟冒险结束 我估计就要神经衰弱了
He's pretty delighted now.
I've been rafting in the crocodile-infested floodplains of Australia's northern territory,
我正乘筏穿越澳大利亚北部地区 一片鳄鱼出没的漫滩
but the waterway has just reached a dead end.
It's looking like the end of the road for this raft.
Getting loads shallower, again, here.It's looking properly dry ahead there.
又到了浅滩 看起来前面的路都很干了
We want to keep heading that way.Let's ditch the raft, go on foot again.
我们要继续朝那个方向走 丢掉筏子 继续跑路
There's a croc skull.Try and get this out.
这有个鳄鱼头骨 把这家伙弄出来
Man, look at the size of that.Man, look at those teeth.
瞧啊 多大一个脑袋啊 瞧这牙齿
If that came down on you,they say it's the same force as a truck landing on top of you.
要是它扑上来 那咬力就如同被一辆卡车碾过
Take you, death-roll you,and then literally just rip you limb from limb.Bad way to go.
咬住人后 它会拼命地拉扯 然后将你撕成碎片 一命呜呼了