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权利的游戏 第776期:第四十五章 珊莎(5)

来源:可可英语 编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • She averted her eyes quickly, afraid to ask, afraid to look too long, afraid he might be someone she knew.
  • 她连忙移开视线,不敢发问,不敢再看,不敢想象那是某位她所认识的人。
  • They found Queen Cersei in the council chambers, seated at the head of a long table littered with papers, candles, and blocks of sealing wax.
  • 他们在议事厅里找到瑟曦王后,她正坐在长桌的首位,桌上堆满纸张、蜡烛和一叠叠的蜡泥。
  • The room was as splendid as any that Sansa had ever seen.
  • 珊莎不曾见过陈设如此华丽的房间,
  • She stared in awe at the carved wooden screen and the twin sphinxes that sat beside the door.
  • 不由得睁大眼睛看着雕花木屏风,以及蹲坐大门两侧的人面狮身兽雕像。
  • Your Grace, Sir Boros said when they were ushered inside by another of the Kingsguard, Sir Mandon of the curiously dead face, "I've brought the girl."
  • “王后陛下,”当另一名御林铁卫,生了张死人脸的曼登爵士领他们走进去时,柏洛斯爵士开口说,“我把这女孩带来了。”
  • Sansa had hoped Joffrey might be with her.
  • 珊莎原本期盼乔佛里会和王后在一起,
  • Her prince was not there, but three of the king's councillors were.
  • 可惜她的白马王子没来,反倒是三位重臣在场。
  • Lord Petyr Baelish sat on the queen's left hand, Grand Maester Pycelle at the end of the table, while Lord Varys hovered over them, smelling flowery.
  • 派提尔·贝里席伯爵坐在王后左手,派席尔国师在桌子另一边,浑身花香的瓦里斯伯爵则在他们周围晃来晃去。
  • All of them were clad in black, she realized with a feeling of dread. Mourning clothes...
  • 她突然恐惧地发现他们都身着黑衣,那是丧服的颜色啊……
  • The queen wore a high-collared black silk gown, with a hundred dark red rubies sewn into her bodice, covering her from neck to bosom.
  • 王后穿了一件高领的黑丝礼服,上身缝缀了上百颗暗红宝石,从脖颈直覆到胸部。
  • They were cut in the shape of teardrops, as if the queen were weeping blood.
  • 宝石被琢磨成泪滴的形状,一眼望去,王后仿佛正在泣血。
  • Cersei smiled to see her, and Sansa thought it was the sweetest and saddest smile she had ever seen.
  • 瑟曦见到她,脸上露出珊莎所见过最甜美、却也最哀伤的微笑。


She averted her eyes quickly, afraid to ask, afraid to look too long, afraid he might be someone she knew.

They found Queen Cersei in the council chambers, seated at the head of a long table littered with papers, candles, and blocks of sealing wax.
The room was as splendid as any that Sansa had ever seen.
She stared in awe at the carved wooden screen and the twin sphinxes that sat beside the door.
Your Grace, Sir Boros said when they were ushered inside by another of the Kingsguard, Sir Mandon of the curiously dead face, "I've brought the girl."
Sansa had hoped Joffrey might be with her.
Her prince was not there, but three of the king's councillors were.
Lord Petyr Baelish sat on the queen's left hand, Grand Maester Pycelle at the end of the table, while Lord Varys hovered over them, smelling flowery.
All of them were clad in black, she realized with a feeling of dread. Mourning clothes...
The queen wore a high-collared black silk gown, with a hundred dark red rubies sewn into her bodice, covering her from neck to bosom.
They were cut in the shape of teardrops, as if the queen were weeping blood.
Cersei smiled to see her, and Sansa thought it was the sweetest and saddest smile she had ever seen.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
covering ['kʌvəriŋ]


n. 覆盖物,遮避物 adj. 掩护的,掩盖的

screen [skri:n]


n. 屏,幕,银幕,屏风
v. 放映,选拔,掩

grace [greis]


n. 优美,优雅,恩惠
vt. 使荣耀,使优美

dread [dred]


n. 恐惧,可怕的人,可怕的事
adj. 可怕

awe [ɔ:]


n. 敬畏,恐惧
vt. 使敬畏或惊惧

wax [wæks]


n. 蜡,蜂蜡
vt. (用蜡)涂





