Go beyond white, with DIOR SNOW.
迪奥雪晶灵系列 绽放圣洁焕白之美
New DIOR SNOW Serum concentrates the power of edelweiss,
a unique flower able to reach pure whiteness and perfect color balance.
蕴含独一无二的雪绒花珍粹 提升肌肤整体透白度 打造完美肤色
This global serum rebalances skin tone colors while reducing spots
全球版精华 平衡肤色 淡褪色斑
for a refined brightness with a rosy glow.
Go beyond white reveal true bright beauty with DIOR SNOW.
绽放圣洁焕白 尽显光彩之美 全新迪奥雪晶灵系列