How to Know When It's Time to Quit Your Job
Are you ready for a job change? Or should you stick it out in your current position? Asking yourself these questions will help you decide. You will need time to reflect and the ability to be honest with yourself.
Step one: Note how you feel on Monday morning. Are you sick to your stomach at the thought that there are five days between you and another weekend? Not good. If anxiety starts to set in on Sunday, that's a bad sign.
Step two: Think about your workload. Has it recently doubled or halved? Either scenario is a valid reason to be unhappy.
Step three: Draw up a list of the job's pros and cons. Do the cons outnumber the pros? Are the cons more troubling than the pros are enticing? Note: Free coffee doesn't count as a pro.
Step four: Assess your value to the company. Do you feel you're being paid what you're worth? Is your boss appreciative of your efforts? If the answer is "no" to both, it's time to go. Unless there's a company-wide salary freeze at your firm, not getting a raise at your last performance review is a sign that you're not valued.
Step five: Weigh your options. If you quit, could you afford to live without a salary for a while? The average job hunt takes six months—more if you're earning over 60,000 dollars. Employment experts say job seekers must figure on one month of searching for every 10,000 dollars they earn.

Step six: Be honest. Could a trained seal do your job? Then you're ready for a challenge.
Step seven: Measure your threshold for taking crap. Is it lowering? Are you on the verge of telling your boss at the morning meeting, "By the way, nobody really wants to hear about your weekend potty training the puppy—let's get this show on the road"? "Ta-ta, and good luck."
Did you know? More than three-quarters of survey respondents said they're suffering from burnout at work, and more than half claim they're under a lot of on-the-job stress.