So how to properly hold your cutlery.
Fork goes in the left hand, knife in the right.
一般左手持叉 右手拿餐刀
Your tines always face down.
In English dining Etiquette, they should not be like this.
英式用餐礼仪中 尖头千万不能朝上
Face down and you hold your cutlery together.
而是朝下 同时另一只手握餐刀
You don't put your knife down and continue using your fork.
不能把餐刀放在一边 单使用叉子
If you're putting your cutlery down in the resting position
在用餐时 如果你想放下刀叉
to have a glass of water or to use your napkin,
you put it in an inverted "V".Looks like a pizza or a pie shape.
刀叉要摆放成倒“V”型 像一块披萨或一个派的形状
When you're finished, you put your cutlery parallel.
用餐完毕后 将刀叉平行摆放
If your plate was a clock,
it would be anywhere between three fifteen and six thirty.