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Day96 女性预算(下)

来源:可可英语 编辑:kekenet   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Gender budgeting is not new. Feminist economists have argued for it since the 1980s. A few countries, such as Australia and South Africa, took it up, though efforts waxed and waned with shifts in political leadership—it is seen as left-wing and anti-austerity. The Nordic countries were pioneers in the West; Sweden, with its self-declared “feminist government”, may be the gold standard. Now, egged on by the World Bank, the UN and the IMF, more governments are taking an interest. They should sign on as the results are worth having.
Partly because South Korea invested little in social care, women had to choose between having children, which lowers labour-force participation, or remaining childless, which reduces the country’s fertility rate. Gender budgeting showed how, with an ageing population, the country gained from spending on care. Rwanda found that investment in clean water not only curbed disease but also freed up girls, who used to fetch the stuff, to go to school. Ample research confirms that leaving half a country’s people behind is bad for growth. Violence against women; failing to educate girls properly; unequal pay and access to jobs: all take an economic toll.
Inevitably there are difficulties. Dividing a policy’s costs and benefits between men and women can be hard. Sometimes, as with lost hours of school, the costs have to be estimated. Redesigning the budgeting process upends decades of practice. If every group pressing for change took the same approach, it would become unmanageable. In a way, though, that is the point. Governments find it easy to pay lip-service to women’s rights. Doing something demands tough choices.

Gender budgeting is not new. Feminist economists have argued for it since the 1980s. A few countries, such as Australia and South Africa, took it up, though efforts waxed and waned with shifts in political leadership—it is seen as left-wing and anti-austerity. The Nordic countries were pioneers in the West; Sweden, with its self-declared “feminist government”, may be the gold standard. Now, egged on by the World Bank, the UN and the IMF, more governments are taking an interest. They should sign on as the results are worth having.
argue v.主张
take up 继续
- I took up where I had left off.
wax and wane v.兴衰
shift n.改变
anti-austerity 反紧缩
- austerity n.节约
- austere adj.节制的,简单的
Nordic adj.北欧的
pioneer n.先锋
egg v.煽动,怂恿 (incite to action)

Partly because South Korea invested little in social care, women had to choose between having children, which lowers labour-force participation, or remaining childless, which reduces the country’s fertility rate. Gender budgeting showed how, with an ageing population, the country gained from spending on care. Rwanda found that investment in clean water not only curbed disease but also freed up girls, who used to fetch the stuff, to go to school. Ample research confirms that leaving half a country’s people behind is bad for growth. Violence against women; failing to educate girls properly; unequal pay and access to jobs: all take an economic toll.
childless adj.无子女的
fertility n.生育,繁殖
ageing adj.老化的
curb v.限制
free up 释放
fetch v.取
ample adj.充足的
properly adv.合适地,像样地
toll n.损失,代价 (a grievous price)
- Inflation has taken its toll.

Inevitably there are difficulties. Dividing a policy’s costs and benefits between men and women can be hard. Sometimes, as with lost hours of school, the costs have to be estimated. Redesigning the budgeting process upends decades of practice. If every group pressing for change took the same approach, it would become unmanageable. In a way, though, that is the point. Governments find it easy to pay lip-service to women’s rights. Doing something demands tough choices.
Inevitably adv.无可避免地
- inevitable adj.无可避免的
- evitable adj.可避免的
estimate v.估算
upend v.颠倒,颠覆 (overturn)
press for 督促
approach n.方法
unmanageable adj.难以驾驭的
pay lip-service to 口惠而实不至
- He paid lip service to blue-collar workers, but he did nothing to help them.
demand v.需求

重点单词   查看全部解释    
pressing [presiŋ]


adj. 紧迫的,紧急的 press的现在分词

austerity [ɔ:s'teriti]


n. 朴素,节俭,苦行

feminist ['feminist]


n. 女权主义者 adj. 主张男女平等的,女权主义的

population [.pɔpju'leiʃən]


n. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数

participation [pɑ:.tisi'peiʃən]


n. 参加,参与

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

incite [in'sait]


v. 煽动,刺激,激励

inevitable [in'evitəbl]


adj. 不可避免的,必然(发生)的

wax [wæks]


n. 蜡,蜂蜡
vt. (用蜡)涂

shift [ʃift]


n. 交换,变化,移动,接班者
v. 更替,移





